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  1. ARES

    Item Enchant System

    Hello xACS Players ^^ The Enchant system is a must in an MMORPG game, but this feature was unfortunately not available in Knight Online history We have brought the Enchant system for you to have a longer lasting and adventure and quest for you. With this system, you will not only be limited to upgrade, you will be able to add extra features to your weapons and armors, and you will approach more tactical and develop. There is a list of how you can make improvements and maximum level information from the list below. Appearance and names of required items are also available. It will be written as "[Enchant] Enchant Type" as an example in the game. Items on the list are Main Items. In addition to these, it will ask for 3 types of extra side materials. Main Items from Item Cracking Side Materials will be obtained from the Shozin NPC for 2100 + 1200 KC. NOTE : 30 Pieces (10 pieces) Swordsman, Agents, Therapist Materials will be given in return for 2100 + 1200 KC. Note: Up to 5 types of Enchants can be upgrade into an Item. You can upgrade your items at +1 and there is no risk of loss You Will Perform Item Enchant Development Over "Magic Anvil" Options will appear when you place your item. When you double click on any enhancement, you can see what it wants from you and you can also see the result screen. Items requested in the first marked place In the second marked place, you can see the required Coin Amount. Note: Each enhancement can be multiplied according to the specified type of coin amount. On the result screen, you can see the item details. Under the Enhanced Item Title. Damage: It will appear as +2. Enchant requirements ; Click Here Details Item Icon ······· Enchant Type ······· ··········· Explanation ··········· Per Level Maksimum Item Type Damage Acts As Attack Power +1 5 Weapon Hit Rate Increases hit effect. %5 %25 Weapon Fire Damage Gains Flame Damage +5 25 Weapon Glacier Damage Gains Glacier Damage +5 25 Weapon Lightning Damage Gains Glacier Damage +5 25 Weapon Posion Damage Gains Posion Damage +5 25 Weapon [Deaktif] HP Recovery Gain HP Based on Your Damage %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] MP Recovery Gain MP Based on Your Damage %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] MP Damage Decreases Opponent's MP As Much As Damage Deal %2 %10 Weapon STR Stat Bonus Earns STR Stat Bonus +1 5 Weapon + Armor HP Stat Bonus Earns HP Stat Bonus +1 5 Weapon + Armor DEX Stat Bonus Earns DEX Stat Bonus +1 5 Weapon + Armor INT Stat Bonus Earns INT Stat Bonus +1 5 Weapon + Armor MP Stat Bonus Earns MP Stat Bonus +1 5 Weapon + Armor HP Bonus Earns STR Stat Bonus (Not Stat) +20 100 Weapon + Armor MP Bonus Earns STR Stat Bonus (Not Stat) +20 100 Weapon + Armor [Deaktif] Armor Penetration Armor Breaker %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] Magic Penetration Magic Resist Breaker %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] HP Absorb Gaining Incoming Damage as HP %2 %10 Weapon Damage to Warrior Increases Damage Against Warrior %1 %3 Weapon Damage to Rogue Increases Damage Against Rogue %1 %3 Weapon Damage to Mage Increases Damage Against Mage %2 %6 Weapon Damage to Priest Increases Damage Against Priest %1 %3 Weapon Damage to Monster Increases Damage Against Monster %2 %10 Weapon Defense Increases Defense +2 10 Armor Evade Rate Increases Opponent Skills Fail Rate %5 %25 Armor [Deaktif] Dagger Defense Anti-Dagger Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Sword Defense Anti-Sword Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Club Defense Anti-Club Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Axe Defense Anti-Axe Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Spear Defense Anti-Spear Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Arrow Defense Anti-Arrow Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Mirror Damage Reflect Incoming Damage to Opponent %2 %10 Armor Fire Resistance Increases Flame Resist +5 25 Armor Glacier Resistance Increases Glacier Resist +5 25 Armor Lightning Resistance Increases Lightning Resist +5 25 Armor Posion Resistance Increases Posion Resist +5 25 Armor [Deaktif] MP Absorb Gains Incoming Damage as MP %2 %10 Armor Weight Bonus Gain Weight Bonus +50 500 Armor
  2. There are five different tattoos we have added to our server. These; Solar Tattoo, Lunar Tattoo, Stella Tattoo , Nimbus Tattoo and Special Tattoo Item Name Bonuses Given Item Image Fee Item Duration Solar Tattoo Defense +30 , HP +200 , MP Bonus +100 , STR Bonus +10 , Weight +150 , Cont +1 150 TL Balance 30 Day Lunar Tattoo Defense +30 , HP +200 , MP Bonus +100 , DEX Bonus +10 , Weight +150 , Cont +1 150 TL Balance 30 Day Stella Tattoo Defense +30 , HP +200 , MP Bonus +100 , INT Bonus +10 , Weight +150 , Cont +1 150 TL Balance 30 Day Nimbus Tattoo HP +100 , Coins+25% , Item Drop +20% , Weight 500 200 TL Balance 30 Day Special Tattoo Defense +3 , HP +100 , MP Bonus 100 , Weight 150 Starter Package Gift 7 Day
  3. With the arrangement we made, the Capes And Their Features Have Completely Changed. Cape Name Coins HP MP Defans Attack Accredited colourful 175M 75 75 10 0 Accredited patterned 250M 100 100 15 0 Royal colourful 400M 150 150 10 %2 Royal patterned 850M 300 200 20 %3 Castellan 850M 300 200 30 %3 King Cape 0 300 300 50 %5
  4. Hello Dear xACS Lovers, As always, we are constantly working to bring xACS Servers to the Next Level and to offer you a Better Quality, Comfortable Gaming Experience with New Features and Systemic Changes, where you can have fun without getting bored on our server. This feature is a that was active on our previous servers, but we have made it better visually in our new server. With this system, you can see the levels of mobs. NOTE: The general purpose of this feature is to learn the level limit in the Monster Stone farm. In order to make Monster Stone Farm, the mob you will kill must be 10 levels lower than your level. Example: You Are Level 60, The Mob You Kill Must Be Level 50 Or Above, Otherwise You Can't Drop MS
  5. You can crack the Starter Pack, All Premium Types, KC Coupon Family, Merchant Eye Coupon,Items Containing Tattoo Coupon remotely with the help of right click without going to the NPC, or you can see the gifts included in the package content. When you hover over the Starter Package or other PUS Item, you will be greeted with a warning like the image below. NOTE: The starter package example is shown below. In the description section of all the items included in this system, there is the phrase [ Right Click to Use This Item ]. You can access the package details by right clicking. When you right-click on the package with your mouse, a window like the image below will greet you. As it can be understood from the image I shared above, you can see the gifts that the Starter package will give from this window, you can remotely crack it with the Exchange button at the bottom, or you can close the window by saying Close. NOTE: If you do Exchange if there is no empty space in your bag, an error window will appear as in the image I shared below. When you break the premium item, a window like the one below will greet you. What are the Items Included in This System? Item Name Item Icon Starter Package Platinum Premium Gold Premium Silver Premium Clan Premium Bronze Premium Voucher for Genie ( 15 Days ) + Auto Loot ( 15 Days ) Voucher of Automatic Loot Voucher Of Genie Voucher Of Merchant Eye's Tag Change Scroll Voucher Of Offline Merchant Voucher Of Extra Inventory Solar Tattoo Voucher Lunar Tattoo Voucher Stella Tattoo Voucher Nimbus Tattoo Voucher Voucher Of Infinite Arrow Premium Potion Voucher HP Premium Potion Voucher MP Name Change Scroll Clan Name Change Scroll 100 KnightCash Voucher 350 KnightCash Voucher 700 KnightCash Voucher 1200 KnightCash Voucher 2100 KnightCash Voucher 10000 KnightCash Voucher 1 TL Voucher 5 TL Voucher 10 TL Voucher 20 TL Voucher 50 TL Voucher 100 TL Voucher
  6. Hello, As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK server.Remember, Many Modified Features And Systemic Changes Of This Kind Will Allow You To Spend Your Time In The Game In A Better And Comfortable Way. What is Perks System? It is a system that will help you to strengthen your character in return for the conditions requested from you. There are 12 Features / Powers in Total in the Perks System. These are : +%2 Damage +%2 Less Damage +%4 Damage To Monster +%100 HP +%200 Mana +%2 Drop +%4 HP Heal +%4 Mana Heal +%1 Upgrade Change +%2 Coins On NPC +%3 Coins From Monsters +%150 Weight How can we use it? An option will be waiting for you in your Character Info as you can see in the picture. When you click on the section, you can see the features as in the picture you see at the bottom. You can give a maximum of 5 Points to each power. Everything is ok, how can I get points? Your experience must be 500M and You must have 3x Silver Bar NOTE: There Is No Level Limit Requirement For You To Benefit From This System. You Can Do It At Any Level When you meet the conditions, you get 5 Jar from the EXP Jar [ 100 Million ] Option found on the last page of NPC Peddler [ Hemes ]. Visual Narration Get 5 Jars from Peddler [ Hemes ] NPC for 500M Exp in Total. (Each 1 Jar Requires 100M Exp) When You Get 5 EXP Jars, Get 3 Silver Bars from Sundries NPC. When you complete the above steps, deliver 5 Jars and 3 Silver Bars to the Related NPC [ Hepa Pupil ] Shozin NPC as in the image I added below. When the process is completed, it will give you an item called Perks Point, as in the image I added at the below (It is not in your inventory, it is automatically reflected as a point in the U Perks section) At the same time, a small window will appear on your screen.
  7. As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. We think it is a nice innovation for those who do not want to peek at the edge of the screen. The image below explains it all. My Character ( Reflects Your Character's Information ) Show HP Bar ( Shows HP Bar ) Show MP Bar ( Shows MP Bar ) Target Character ( Reflects Target Character & NPC's Information) Show HP Bar ( Shows HP Bar of All Targets ) Only Monsters ( Only Shows On Creatures ) HUD Size Small ( Shows in Small Size ) Medium ( Shows Medium Size ) Large ( Shows in Large Size )
  8. As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. With The Edit We Made On Our RAGNAROK Server, You Will Now Earn Buffs According To The Number Of Online Members In Your Clan. NOTE : To Benefit From Bonuses, Your Online Members Must Be Level 65. Online Clan Member HP Bonus MP Bonus Attack Bonus Defans Bonus Exp Bonus NP Bonus Deaktif Deaktif 8 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 60 0 0 20 1 0 0 0 24 75 75 2 25 2 1 0 0 32 100 100 2 50 3 2 0 0 50 200 200 3 100 3 3 0 0
  9. As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. Clan Cape Symbol System Has Changed With The Edit We Made On Our RAGNAROK Server. 32x32 - 5M 64x64 - 10M 96x96 - 20M Symbols in Better Quality Image. Images of the symbols are as follows: 32x32 32X32.mp4.6b79a286147559177cc79633d6fcbccc.mp4.e3d74a612d4762c25870a6514782c8aa.mp4 64x64 64X64.mp4.486a15a2e9aa2f278f54437950ec446e.mp4.d81cdb44586df18ae5f148f78656042d.mp4 96x96 96X96.mp4.8a1bb389328cbf74e693869ae189fc62.mp4.48c4aa2b65da0eece62860b065bc0615.mp4
  10. As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. [ Renewed ] Auto Loot System : 2 New Features Added to F10 Loot Section. How can we use it? Enter F10 Loot Settings , In the opened section, 2 new features will be waiting for you, except for the classic loot settings. These Features Are As Written Below. Black List Mode (Item You Do Not Want To Take) White List Mode (Item You Want to Take) You do not want your autoloot to take an item that you have determined, for this it is very simple to do. Click on the Black List Button to the Right of the Black List Mode by coming to the Loot Section. In the Opened Window ; Add Remove Search 3 buttons will be waiting for you. In the Search section, you need to write the name of the item that you do not want your autoloot to take. After you see the item you are looking for in the table, click on the box on the right. After clicking, the item you selected will be blacklisted. If you want to remove the item you have selected from the blacklist, you need to click on the Remove section from the same screen. Visually Details: If you want an item to be take, you need to do the above steps from the White List Mode Option. NOTE: 2 Features do not work at the same time, you can only use 1 of them. You cannot use Black List Mode when White List Mode is on. Video will be added
  11. Hello xACS Players, in this topic, I will tell you about our new feature that we will use in our ATLANTIS Server. In the renewed User Information System, you can now see the country that the player is connected to, the Left and Right NP and all the skills he has unlocked. ( This feature is great for players who will get characters with CSS ) In order to see a character's bag, we press the 'H' key in the game and click the User_Info option from the window that opens. Here, it is enough to write the name of the character you want in the box that appears. (This Way You Can Look at the Bag of Distant Characters) If the person you are looking at is with you, you can see his bag if we right click on the character and click User-Info.
  12. Hello xACS Players ^^ The Enchant system is a must in an MMORPG game, but this feature was unfortunately not available in Knight Online history We have brought the Enchant system for you to have a longer lasting and adventure and quest for you. With this system, you will not only be limited to upgrade, you will be able to add extra features to your weapons and armors, and you will approach more tactical and develop. There is a list of how you can make improvements and maximum level information from the list below. Appearance and names of required items are also available. It will be written as "[Enchant] Enchant Type" as an example in the game. Items on the list are Main Items. In addition to these, it will ask for 3 types of extra side materials. Main Items From All Creatures in the CZ Zone. Side Materials can be obtained with our newly brought Item Crushing. Note: Up to 4 types of Enchants can be upgrade into an Item. You can upgrade your items at +1 and there is no risk of loss You Will Perform Item Enchant Development Over "Magic Anvil" Options will appear when you place your item. When you double click on any enhancement, you can see what it wants from you and you can also see the result screen. Items requested in the first marked place In the second marked place, you can see the required Coin Amount. Note: Each enhancement can be multiplied according to the specified type of coin amount. On the result screen, you can see the item details. Under the Enhanced Item Title. Damage: It will appear as +2. Details Item Icon ······· Enchant Type ······· ··········· Explanation ··········· Per Level Maksimum Item Type Damage Acts As Attack Power +2 10 Weapon Hit Rate Increases hit effect. %10 %50 Weapon Fire Damage Gains Flame Damage +10 50 Weapon Glacier Damage Gains Glacier Damage +10 50 Weapon Lightning Damage Gains Glacier Damage +10 50 Weapon Posion Damage Gains Posion Damage +10 50 Weapon [Deaktif] HP Recovery Gain HP Based on Your Damage %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] MP Recovery Gain MP Based on Your Damage %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] MP Damage Decreases Opponent's MP As Much As Damage Deal %2 %10 Weapon STR Stat Bonus Earns STR Stat Bonus +2 10 Weapon + Armor HP Stat Bonus Earns HP Stat Bonus +2 10 Weapon + Armor DEX Stat Bonus Earns DEX Stat Bonus +2 10 Weapon + Armor INT Stat Bonus Earns INT Stat Bonus +2 10 Weapon + Armor MP Stat Bonus Earns MP Stat Bonus +2 10 Weapon + Armor HP Bonus Earns STR Stat Bonus (Not Stat) +40 200 Weapon + Armor MP Bonus Earns STR Stat Bonus (Not Stat) +40 200 Weapon + Armor [Deaktif] Armor Penetration Armor Breaker %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] Magic Penetration Magic Resist Breaker %2 %10 Weapon [Deaktif] HP Absorb Gaining Incoming Damage as HP %2 %10 Weapon Damage to Warrior Increases Damage Against Warrior %1 %3 Weapon Damage to Rogue Increases Damage Against Rogue %1 %3 Weapon Damage to Mage Increases Damage Against Mage %2 %6 Weapon Damage to Priest Increases Damage Against Priest %1 %3 Weapon Damage to Monster Increases Damage Against Monster %2 %10 Weapon Defense Increases Defense +4 20 Armor Evade Rate Increases Opponent Skills Fail Rate %10 %50 Armor [Deaktif] Dagger Defense Anti-Dagger Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Sword Defense Anti-Sword Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Club Defense Anti-Club Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Axe Defense Anti-Axe Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Spear Defense Anti-Spear Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Arrow Defense Anti-Arrow Gains Defense +2 10 Armor [Deaktif] Mirror Damage Reflect Incoming Damage to Opponent %2 %10 Armor Fire Resistance Increases Flame Resist +10 50 Armor Glacier Resistance Increases Glacier Resist +10 50 Armor Lightning Resistance Increases Lightning Resist +10 50 Armor Posion Resistance Increases Posion Resist +10 50 Armor [Deaktif] MP Absorb Gains Incoming Damage as MP %2 %10 Armor Weight Bonus Gain Weight Bonus +50 500 Armor
  13. Hello DARKKO ; We continue our innovations Our new trusted computer system is activated to secure your account. With this system, your account can only be entered with trusted computers. After you create your account, the first computer you log in to will be automatically added to the list of trusted computers. When you try to log in with another new computer , a warning will greet you : After you click the button, a code will be sent to your email address by the system. You can make 1 email request for each 5 minutes. A message will be sent to your email address : After entering the code in the field called "Enter security code:", all you had to do is press the "Add This PC" button. Some information about the system: You can add an unlimited number of trusted computers. Email verification will be asked once for each computer. The system is not optional. If you do not specify the correct e-mail address during registration, you may lose access to the account. All trusted computers will be deleted automatically after you change your password. After changing your password, the first computer you log in to will be automatically added to the trusted computers. Email verification is not required for the computer on which you first logged in after registration.
  14. Hello DARKKO Pet System : The pet system is a kind of animal you have in the game, which offers you both visual and a few extra features. How Do I Get ? You can have this item after receiving the quest from the [Familar Tamer] Npc found in moradon. It accompanies you as 1 level, you can name it and establish a connection with it in the game. So what exactly does it do? What does it provide? - It would be a change for friends looking for visuality. Gives You Extra Buff and Defense [By Level] The last level is level 60. It works in 3 different modes. ATTACK, DEFENS, LOOT Attack: In this mode, you can attack the creature with your pet if you wish. Defense: In this mode, you can tank the creature in defensive mode while your pet is attacking the mobs. LOOT: In this mode, you can collect your items from long distances to your pet without any problem. Images are as follows.
  15. Hello DARKKO Buff Bar System : When you click on the Buff Bar tab that will appear in F10 in the game, you can start using it after saving without leaving the game. In short, you will now be able to separate your debuffs, skills and scrolls. As seen in the picture below.
  16. Hello DARKKO Tag System : You can now buy your additional Tag from Hemes Npc in Moradon. All you have to do is to get the Label Change Scroll from PUS and Write Your Label from Hemes Npcs. NOTE : Profanity, Slang words , Friends who use Religion, Language, Race provocation and Pornographic Words will have their tags removed And it will be punished. Take this into consideration
  17. Hello DARKKO ; We continue our innovations What is Merchant Chat System? As we all know, there were no alternatives to the players who made the market, sold items, except Knight, Shout and All Chat. We Are Happy To Present Merchant Chat System To You By Breaking These Standards. Now You Can Make Your Announcement on All Maps ELMORAD-KARUS How Can I Use Merchant Chat System? You can write your announcement by clicking on the Merchant Chat Button located at the bottom of the Damage Bar. You can reach the details from the pictures at the bottom. After you click on Merchant Chat, A New Window Will Be Coming To Your Screen. After You Write The Text From The Bottom Part, You Can Send By Pressing the Enter Key. We continue to innovate without slowing down;)
  18. Hello, We Are Here With A Great Innovation That Will Fully Fit The Myko Concept. We are sure that this system will add a completely different color to the game. What is DC - EXP - WAR Flash? There are 3 types of Flash. These are as follows. WAR Flash - [Increases your Nation Point.] DC Flash - [Increases Drop Rates From Mobs.] EXP Flash - [Increases Exp from Mobs.] Where Can I Get FLASH ? You will be able to buy Flashes from the NPC named [AMON Scrolls] in Moradon for a certain fee. What Should I Consider While Using FLASH? Only Characters With Premium May Use Flashes To Use WAR Flash, You Must Have WAR Premium To Use DC Flash, You Must Have DC Premium To Use EXP Flash, You Must Have EXP Premium How Many Can I Use? Is There a Time After Pressing? You Can Press 5 Times [1x Flash Increases 10%] Since Our Server Provides Uninterrupted Service For Days, 3 Hours Has Been Added To The Flash Family,After 3 Hours, The Flashes You Press Will Lose Its Effect. When you print the flashes, you can look at the feature that it will give in the Server Info section. NOTE: Drop Exp Np % of Flashes Will Be Revised And Shared Within The Subject.
  19. Hello DARKKO ; What is PM and Notice URL System? The URL (Link) will now be active in the PMs that are in the developed system.With this system, you will be able to quickly reach the topics opened by us and open the URLs from the players. How To Use? You Need To Send The Address (Url) As In The Picture Below. At the beginning of the link you will send (if it is not www, you will send it normally) when you click on the link, you will receive a warning window. NOTE: This System Will Be Continuously to be followed, Users Throwing A Malicious Software Link etc. Will Be Banned From All xACS Servers.
  20. Hello DARKKO ; What is the Enhanced PM System? You will now be able to Expand Discarded PMs in the Developed System, Thus, You will be able to Read All Speeches Written Broadly How to use ? You can enlarge the PM window and make it smaller again by holding down the place marked in Red in the Picture Below.
  21. Hello EUKO ; With the User Info System, you can now view the players bags. In order to view a character's bag, we press the 'H' key on our keyboard in the game and click the User_Info Option from the window that opens. Here, it is enough to write the name of the character you want in the box that appears. (You can check the Bag of Distant Characters) If The Person You Are Looking At Is With You, You Can See His Bag If We Right Click On The Character And Call User-Info.
  22. Hello DARKKO ; As known, there are 4 jobs in the game. The Highest Right NP Winning Player (JOB) in the Right NP System has the Dragon symbol. We changed this to set the right NP symbols to specific for each JOB. In short, instead of being 1x Dragon in the game, in game now have 4x Dragon. NOTE: Dragon is completely an example and all other symbols are active with this system.
  23. Hello DARKKO ; We Continue Our Endless Innovation Series You can access the ID number of the character with User_info. Including Name Change Scroll This ID number does not change in any way. PM can be thrown over ID. Example: /pm# 1234 or @#1234
  24. Hello DARKKO; Death Notice filtering added to Command (H) list. 4 settings available; - Show all - Only Party and himself - Only Himself - None
  25. Hello DARKKO ; Camps Will Be Opened When Necessary And Closed When Not Necessary. Moradon, Elmorad Castle, Luferson Castle and in Eslant there are Camp System. NOTE: Bosses Do Not Spawn in areas of Camp 2 , 3
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