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Araştırmada 7 sonuç bulundu

  1. Merhaba DARKKO Ekibi Olarak Sizlere Özelliklerimizden Bahsedeceğim. Unutmayınız Bu Tür Modifiye Edilmiş Birçok Özellik Ve Sistemsel Değişiklikler Sizlerin Daha Kaliteli Ve Rahat Bir Şekilde Oyunda Zaman Geçirmenizi Sağlayacaktır. User İnfo Sistemi İle Artık Oyuncuların Çantasına Bakabileceksiniz. Bir Karakterin Çantasına Bakmak İçin Oyun İçerisinde 'H' Tuşuna Basıp Açılan Pencereden User_İnfo Seçeneğine Tıklıyoruz.Burada Karşınıza Çıkan Kutucuğa İstediğiniz Karakterin İsmini Yazmanız Yeterlidir. ( Uzaktaki Karaktarlerin Çantasına Bakabilirsiniz) Eğer Bakacağınız Kişi Yanınızda ise Karakterin Üstüne Sağ Tıklayıp User-İnfo Dediğimiz Taktirde Çantasını Görebilirsiniz.
  2. Hello xACS Players, in this topic, I will tell you about our new feature that we will use in our ATLANTIS Server. In the renewed User Information System, you can now see the country that the player is connected to, the Left and Right NP and all the skills he has unlocked. ( This feature is great for players who will get characters with CSS ) In order to see a character's bag, we press the 'H' key in the game and click the User_Info option from the window that opens. Here, it is enough to write the name of the character you want in the box that appears. (This Way You Can Look at the Bag of Distant Characters) If the person you are looking at is with you, you can see his bag if we right click on the character and click User-Info.
  3. Merhaba xACS Oyuncuları Bu Konumuzda Sizlere ATLANTIS Sunucumuzda Kullanacağımız Yeni Özelliğimizden Bahsedeceğim. Yenilenen User İnfo Sayesinde Artık Oyuncunun Inventoryisini Görmekten Ziyade Bağlandığı Ülkeyi , Sol Ve Sağ NP'sini Ve Açmış Olduğu Tüm Skilleri Görebileceksiniz. ( Bu Özellik CSS İle Karakter Alacak Oyuncular İçin Muthiş özellik diyebiliriz ) Bir Karakterin Çantasına Bakmak İçin Oyun İçerisinde 'H' Tuşuna Basıp Açılan Pencereden User_İnfo Seçeneğine Tıklıyoruz.Burada Karşınıza Çıkan Kutucuğa İstediğiniz Karakterin İsmini Yazmanız Yeterlidir. ( Bu Şekilde Uzaktaki Karaktarlerin Çantasına Bakabilirsiniz) Eğer Bakacağınız Kişi Yanınızda ise Karakterin Üstüne Sağ Tıklayıp User-İnfo Dediğimiz Taktirde Çantasını Görebilirsiniz.
  4. Klasmamu

    player Yine Yeni Yeniden DarkKO

    Herkese başarılar dilerim. Önceki dblerde olduğu gibi uzun soluklu bir eğlence olmasını bekliyorum. 4Mamuwac
  5. Hello EUKO ; With the User Info System, you can now view the players bags. In order to view a character's bag, we press the 'H' key on our keyboard in the game and click the User_Info Option from the window that opens. Here, it is enough to write the name of the character you want in the box that appears. (You can check the Bag of Distant Characters) If The Person You Are Looking At Is With You, You Can See His Bag If We Right Click On The Character And Call User-Info.
  6. Hello DARKKO; Now you can "VS" whenever you want. All you have to do is right click on the player you want to "VS" to do 1vs1 | 2vs2 | 8vs8, sending a versus request by selecting one of the options. IMPORTANT: VS requests , 1vs1 | 2v2 | 8v8 is implemented as. 1vs1 Arena You need to right click on the player you will send the VS Offer to and click on the "1vs1" option in the menu that opens.If you enter and confirm the Knight Cash amount on the screen that opens, the VS request is sent to the player you want to throw VS with the Knight Cash Amount you have determined. - 1vs1 The player who gets 3 kills wins. - 1vs1 You can benefit from the Arena event maximum 3 times a day, There is a maximum of 1000 Knight Cash Limits. - 1vs1 If won, it is automatically credited to the winning player's account. 2vs2 Arena You need to right click on the player you will send the VS Offer to and click on the "2vs2" option in the menu that opens.If you enter and confirm the Knight Cash amount on the screen that opens, the VS request is sent to the player you want to throw VS with the Knight Cash Amount you have determined. - 2vs2 Team captains must send a VS request to the opposing team captain after the teams have been formed. - 2vs2 The team that gets the first 7 Kills wins. - 2vs2 You can benefit from the Arena event maximum 3 times a day, There is a maximum of 1000 Knight Cash Limits. 8v8 Arena You need to right click on the player you will send the VS Offer to and click on the "8vs8" option in the menu that opens.If you enter and confirm the Knight Cash amount on the screen that opens, the VS request is sent to the player you want to throw VS with the Knight Cash Amount you have determined. - 8v8 Arena Team captains must send a VS request to the opposing team captain after the teams have been formed. - 8v8 Arena The team that gets the first 20 Kills wins. - 8v8 Arena There is no limit to the Arena Event, you can do as much as you want
  7. Greetings Knights!DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience. Blocked Users; Can't send PM Can't send Duel Request Can't open Merchant Table Can't send Party Request Can't send Trade Request Can't send Clan Join Request User Blocking system no longer needs you to do anything more than simply clicking onto an icon or you can block anyone with H tab. You just need to press H and go to Block_User tab. You can write down the name of the player you want to block. Another way of blocking a player is simply clicking onto this icon in your private chat. The person you have blocked will receive this message. If you want to unblock a player, it is enough to press your 'H' Button and go to Block_User_List. You can delete the person you have blocked in the list.
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