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Araştırmada 16 sonuç bulundu
Merhaba arkadaşlar REDEMPTION Sunucumuz için yapılan güncellemeleri tek konu altında sizler için toparladık Hello friends We have gathered the updates for our REDEMPTION Server under one topic for you Yeni sunucumuz hakkında daha ayrıntılı bilgiye sahip olmanız adına sizler için hazırladığımız bu konuyu dikkatlice incelemenizi tavsiye ediyoruz. In order to have more detailed information about our new server, we recommend that you carefully examine this topic that we have prepared for you. Yapılan Güncellemeler Ve Değişiklikler Updates And Changes Made Hell Abys ve Desperation Abyss Girişleri İçin 10K National Point Zorunluluğu Getirildi 10K National Point Required for Hell Abyss and Desperation Abyss Entries Skill Ve Stat Sıfırlama 7 Gün Boyunca Normalden Daha Uygun Fiyata Sıfırlanabilecek Skill And Stat Reset Can Be Reset For 7 Days For A More Affordable Price Than Normal Karakterinizin Leveli 61 Olduğunda Başlangıç Klanından Otomatik Olarak Çıkacaktır. When your character is at Level 61, she will automatically leave the Beginning Clan. Elmorad Castle Luferson Castle Military Camp 3'de Item Veya Noah Drobu Olmayacaktır. Burada Sadece EXP Kasabileceksiniz. El Morad Castle Luferson Castle Military Camp 3 will have no Items or Noah Drops. Here You Can Only Gain EXP. Monster Stone'den Upgrade Takı Dropları Kaldırılmıştır. Removed Upgrade Accesory Drops from Monster Stone. Monster Stone'den NP Voucher Dropları Kaldırılmıştır. Removed NP Voucher Drops from Monster Stone. Monster Stone'den High Class Old Takı Dropları Kaldırılmıştır. ( Old Rol Old Roc vb ) Monster Stone Dan High Class Old Accesory Drops Removed. ( Old Rol Old Roc etc. ) Red Chitin Ve Black Chitin Eşyaları Olmayacaktır. There will be no Red Chitin and Black Chitin items. Colony Zone Bowl Bölgesinde Bulunan Ego , Wratch Gibi Moblar İlk Etapta Olmayacak In the early days of the server, Mobs like Ego and Wratch will not be in the Colony Zone Bowl. Colony Zone Bowl Bölgesinde Bulunan Etaroth , Citty Kat Mobları Atross , Riote Olarak Güncellendi Tüm Bosslarda Geçerli Olacak Random Drop Sistemi Aktif Edildi NOT : Vurduğunuz hasara bağlı olarak kutu düşme oranınız daha yüksektir. Random Drop System, which will be valid for all bosses, has been activated NOTE: Depending on the damage you hit, your box drop rate is higher. Tüm Bosslarda Geçerli Olan Random Drop Sisteminde Party Olarak Vurduğunuz Hasarın Toplamını Baz Alacaktır. It will be based on the sum of the damage you hit as a party in the Random Drop System, which is valid for all bosses. Blessed Trina's Piece Oyuna Eklendi. Diğer Trinalara Göre Upgradesi Daha Yüksek Olacaktır. ( Detaylar Paylaşılacak ) Blessed Trina's Piece Added to the Game. Its Upgrade Will Be Higher Compared to Other Trinas. (Details to be shared) Iron Set Dropları Kapatıldı. Iron Set Drops Disabled. Eslant Military Camp 4'de Genie Çalışmayacaktır. Genie will not work at Eslant Military Camp 4. Eslant Military Camp 5'e 20K Aylık (Sağ) National Point Zorunluluğu Getirilmiştir. 20K Monthly National Point Requirement Has Been Brought to Eslant Military Camp 5. Eventlere Girerken Artık Sağ Veya Sol National Pointden Belirlenen Miktarda Silinecektir ( Detaylar Paylaşılacak ) While entering the events, the amount determined from the Right or Left National Point will now be deleted (Details will be shared) Shadow Piece Trinası Artık Unique Takılarda %10'lık Bir Upgrade Artışı Sağlayacaktır. Shadow Piece Trina Now Provides a 10% Upgrade to Unique Accesory. Rival Sistemi Aktif Edilmiştir.( Detaylar Paylaşılacak ) Rival System has been activated. (Details to be shared) Pet Sistemi Tekrardan Aktif Edilmiştir.( Detaylar Paylaşılacak ) Pet System has been activated again. (Details to be shared) Rogue % Skillerine Master Zorunluluğu Getirilmiştir. Rogue % Skills Have Been Obligated to Master. Clan Üye Limiti 40 Olarak Ayarlanmıştır. NOT : Clan Bonus Sistemi 40'a Göre Düzenlenmiştir. Clan Member Limit is set to 40. NOTE : Clan Bonus System has been arranged according to 40. +8 +9 Upgrade Edilebilir İtemlerin Basma Oranları Güncellendi ( Detaylar Tıkla ) Print Rates of +8 +9 Upgradeable Items Updated ( Click for Details ) Blood Seeker Ve Beast Buss Görevlerine Master Zorunluluğu Getirildi NOT : Hobgoblin Ve Cardinal Görevlerinde İlk Etapda Master Zorunluluğu Yoktur Fakat 20. Günden Sonra Colony Zone Buss Görevlerin Tamamı Master İsteyecektir. Blood Seeker and Beast Buss Quests Required to Master NOTE : Hobgoblin and Cardinal Quests do not have to master in the first place, but after the 20th day, all of the Colony Zone Buss Quests will require a Master. Darkmare Trina Görevine 20.Günden Sonra Master Zorunluluğu Getirilecektir. The Darkmare Trina Quest Will Be Obligated to Master After Day 20. Atross Ve Riote Görevi Artık Party Şeklindede Sayacaktır Atross And Riote Quest Now Count As Party Nation Transfer İşleminize 48 Saat Süre Eklendi 48 Hours Time Has Been Added For Your NTS Transaction. Tüm Kullanıcılara 15 Günde 1 Ücretsiz Nation Transfer Hakkı Tanımlandı 1 Free Nation Transfer Right In 15 Days Has Been Given To All Users Nation Transfer İşlemlerinizde Sağ Ve Sol National Pointinizden 3de1i Gidecektir. NOT : Yönetim IRK Eşitlemek Adına Transfer İşlemi Yaptığında NP Gitmemektedir. In your Nation Transfer Transactions, 3/1 of your Right and Left National Points will go. NOTE : The NP Does Not Go When the Management Makes a Transfer to Equalize the Race. Colony Zone Bowl Bölgesinde Bulunan Isiloon'un Defans Ve HP Değerleri Düşürüldü Decreased Defense and HP of Isiloon in Colony Zone Bowl Perks Sistemini Artık National Point İlede Yapabileceksiniz You Can Now Make Perks System With National Point Devil Stoneler Artık Colony Zone Bölgesinin Herhangi Bir Yerinde Random Olarak Doğacaktır. Devil Stones will now spawn randomly anywhere in the Colony Zone. Atross Ve Riote Droplarına Abbys Fire Eklendi Added Abbys Fire to Atross and Riote Drops Enchant İstenimleri Revize Edildi ( Fiyatları Düşürüldü ) Fakat Enchant Sistemi Serverin 3. Haftasında Aktif Olacaktır. ( Detaylar Tıkla ) Enchant Requests Revised (Prices Reduced) But Enchant System will be active in the 3rd week of the server. ( Details Click ) Priest Death Knight Skull Artık 2500 Adet İle Alınabilecek ( Üzerinizde 5000 Adet Olması Zorunluluğu Kaldırıldı ) Priest Death Knight Skull Can Now Be Purchased with 2500 Piece (Removed Requirement to Have 5000 Piece ) 500K NP Voucher İle Artık Shozinden Walkry Set Alabilirsiniz With the 500K NP Voucher, You Can Now Get a Walkry Set from Shozin Tattoolara Exp Bonus Eklendi %7 - %3 Exp Bonus Added to Tattoos %7 - %3
- 9 yanıt
- 3
- server
- güncellemeler
(5 tane daha)
İle Etiketklendi:
Respawns in One of the Transparent Red Regions
Hello Dear xACS lovers, In order to have more detailed information about our new server, we recommend that you carefully examine this topic we have prepared for you. "You fight with courage, you fight with honor... But why do you truly fight?" To understand our war, and why our Knights battle, we must seek the knowledge of things forgotten by most. The roots of our conflict go as deep as the very nature of the universe. The World was not always as it is today. Logos was this being, and his impulse was to crate a reflection of himself. It was he who shaped what would become the world of Carnac with its tall mountains, deep valleys and blue skies. It was he who started our wonderful journey through lands of Moradon and Colony Zone. Now we have a chance to honor his creation and make Knight Online a better place for all of the players who have been loyal to the game. We might not have the power of a God like Logos but we have a a passionate team whose only goal is to create a better environment for players. These two nations are at war, not to acquire each other's territory, but for their own survival. But why you should chose Euro Knight Online to participate in this great war between Karus and El Morad nations. TEAM BEHIND THIS PROJECT In every industry where the people behind the project are as important as the project itself. Having a proper team for Knight Online server development is no different. We gather a professional team to reach our desired goals. Over the years Knight Online Private server industry has come long way and certainly improved. Although Knight Online is a very old game, it has a special place in our hearts. Its a game from our childhood. Now all of us are grown men and women and still find value in this old game. We are feeling the same way as a team. Our goal was to make this game even better, stronger, safer and more enjoyable for the players. He says, "The only thing that does not change is change itself". Philosopher Heraclitus who lived in Ephesus between 535-475 BC. We take this approach and strive to improve xACS Servers. Working in coordination with our developer team, our Graphics team are working hard to bring Knight Online to a better position. We are working to improve the game not only technically but also visually. Knight Online may be an old game with graphics from 2002, but that doesn't stop us from improving KO in terms of graphics. In addition to our dominance over Sever files, we also have a team that dominates the game in terms of graphics. In this server, you can see new skins, new armors and new creatures, bosses. As a team, we will continue to improve the game regularly. After our official launch, you can see periodic visual improvements and updates. Information v.1098 MYKO Level Cap ( 65 %50 ) Exp Difficulty ( Hard )︱Item Difficulty ( Hard )︱Coins Difficulty ( Hard ) Master Quest Active From Day One Blessed Upgrade Scroll Quests ( 65 ) Settings to be Active at 65 Level War Zone ( Colony Zone ) For Trade And Merchant Transactions Level Limit 1 Level Limit for Teleporting to Elmorad Castle , Luferson Castle Maps: ( 10 ) Level Limit for Teleporting to Ronark Land and Other Battle Maps: ( 35 ) Level Limit for Teleporting to Eslant Map: ( 60 ) Item Sales Limit With Merchant Knight Cash Minimum 5000 Knight Cash User Limit 25.000 User Iron Necklace , Iron Belt and Chitin Shield Drops Closed Isiloon Active From Day One Nation Change Made Every 15 Days Free Skill & Stat Reset Every 15 Days Made Free (NOTE: You Can Reset Only One With This Reset) Elmorad, Luferson ( x ) Eslant, Military Camp Quantity ( x ) Multi Client Limit : ( 2 ) , IP Limit : ( 6 ) Anti Shields Added to the Harpy Family Level For Kekuri Ring Farm (x ) And Premium ( Platinum Premium ) Condition added You can reach the topic by clicking on the picture. NOTE: The features I have shared below are just a few of the features we have made. You can access all our innovations by clicking here. Features & Changes Details 4 Types of Premium Activated Click Here Voucher Right-Click Exchange Click Here Upgrades of Some Worthless Items Updated to +9 Click Here Cape Colors Renewed Click Here Added Kill & Coins Collecting Feature for Collection Race Event Click Here Some Unique Items Buffed Click Here Perks System Activated Click Here Auto Loot Feature Renewed Click Here Add-on to see the level of mobs. Click Here Animated Capes Click Here PM Emoji System Click Here PM Expansion Feature Activated Click Here Clan ( Online ) Buff System Click Here Clan Cape Symbols Renewed Click Here In-Game Video Capture Feature Click Here Character Identity (ID) Click Here In-Game Ticket Click Here Added Bonus to Clan & King Cape Click Here In-Game Weekly Rankings Click Here Hud System Activated Click Here User Info System Click Here You can reach the topic by clicking on the picture. General Game Guide Guide Details What are the Farm Slots You Can Get Blessed Upgrade Scrolls Click Here What are Starter Items Click Here What are the Upgrade Rates Click Here How Can We Turn Old Accessory Click Here Required NP Quantities for Clan ( Grade ) Click Here What are Kekurikekukaka Coordinates Click Here What are Atilla Coordinates Click Here What are the durations of the Boss Time Click Here How can you make the Accessory Quest System Click Here What are Anti-AFK Mobs Which Mobs Anti-AFK Click Here How to Use Genie in General Click Here What are the Priest Genie Settings Click Here Prize Pool Prize Pool Details 8V8 Mage tournament Click Here 8V8 Melee tournament Click Here 8V8 Archer tournament Click Here 1V1 Warrior tournament Click Here 1V1 Asas tournament Click Here 1V1 Priest tournament Click Here 1V1 Okçu tournament Click Here Money Hunt in the Bowl Click Here Earn NP Sell Us Click Here Right National Point with TL Prize Every Week Click Here Castle Siege War with TL Prize Every Week Click Here Random TL Earn Click Here TL Awarded Level Cap Click Here Get Most Kills with TL Award (Each Month) Click Here TL Awarded KLASGAME Balance Live Broadcast Click Here TL Balance GiveAway's Click Here TL Award Barracks War Click Here You can reach the topic by clicking on the picture. You can reach the topic by clicking on the picture. Events that will be active on our new server Event Names Details Border Defense War Click Here Chaos Click Here Knight Royale Click Here Juraid Mountain Click Here Forgetten Temple Click Here Bifrost Click Here Funclass Click Here Barracks War Click Here Draki's Tower Click Here Lottery Click Here Collection Race Click Here Rank Reward Click Here Merchant Exp Click Here Ardream Click Here Ronark Land Base Click Here Yeni Colony Zone Click Here Mini Ronark Land Click Here Old Colony Zone Click Here Images From Old Servers
Hello, As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK server.Remember, Many Modified Features And Systemic Changes Of This Kind Will Allow You To Spend Your Time In The Game In A Better And Comfortable Way. What is Perks System? It is a system that will help you to strengthen your character in return for the conditions requested from you. There are 12 Features / Powers in Total in the Perks System. These are : +%2 Damage +%2 Less Damage +%4 Damage To Monster +%100 HP +%200 Mana +%2 Drop +%4 HP Heal +%4 Mana Heal +%1 Upgrade Change +%2 Coins On NPC +%3 Coins From Monsters +%150 Weight How can we use it? An option will be waiting for you in your Character Info as you can see in the picture. When you click on the section, you can see the features as in the picture you see at the bottom. You can give a maximum of 5 Points to each power. Everything is ok, how can I get points? Your experience must be 500M and You must have 3x Silver Bar NOTE: There Is No Level Limit Requirement For You To Benefit From This System. You Can Do It At Any Level When you meet the conditions, you get 5 Jar from the EXP Jar [ 100 Million ] Option found on the last page of NPC Peddler [ Hemes ]. Visual Narration Get 5 Jars from Peddler [ Hemes ] NPC for 500M Exp in Total. (Each 1 Jar Requires 100M Exp) When You Get 5 EXP Jars, Get 3 Silver Bars from Sundries NPC. When you complete the above steps, deliver 5 Jars and 3 Silver Bars to the Related NPC [ Hepa Pupil ] Shozin NPC as in the image I added below. When the process is completed, it will give you an item called Perks Point, as in the image I added at the below (It is not in your inventory, it is automatically reflected as a point in the U Perks section) At the same time, a small window will appear on your screen.
Hello, 3 New Premiums will be active with the arrangement we made on our REDEMPTION server. Silver Premium Gifts And Features As Follows. Premium Features Rates Coins From Mobs %30 Experience Points You Lose When Your Character Dies %70 EXP Rate From Mobs %30 Drop Increase %10 Bonus NP +3 Repair Coins Discount %50 Extra Money From NPC Sale %0 Silver Premium Gifts are as follows ;
Hello, 3 New Premiums will be active with the arrangement we made on our REDEMPTION server. Gold Premium Gifts And Features As Follows. Premium Features Rates Coins From Mobs %50 Experience Points You Lose When Your Character Dies %50 EXP Rate From Mobs %50 Drop Increase %15 Bonus NP +5 Repair Coins Discount %50 Extra Money From NPC Sale %25 Gold Premium Gifts are as follows ;
innovation [ New ] +8 And +9 Upgradeable Items
bir konuya xTraPP içerik ekledi : Innovations and Details
Merhabalar xACS Ekibi Olarak, #RAGNAROK Sunucumuzda Sizlere Sunacağımız Yeni Özelliklerimizden Bahsedeceğim. Unutmayınız Bu Tür Modifiye Edilmiş Birçok Özellik Ve Sistemsel Değişiklikler Sizlerin Daha Kaliteli Ve Rahat Bir Şekilde Oyunda Zaman Geçirmenizi Sağlayacaktır. The upgrade limit some of the unpopular / unused items has been updated to +8 +9 NOTE : This system is only made for unpopular items. rates / items may change. With Trina And Without Trina, Upgrade Rates Will Change -
As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. With The Edit We Made On Our RAGNAROK Server, You Will Now Earn Buffs According To The Number Of Online Members In Your Clan. NOTE : To Benefit From Bonuses, Your Online Members Must Be Level 65. Online Clan Member HP Bonus MP Bonus Attack Bonus Defans Bonus Exp Bonus NP Bonus Deaktif Deaktif 8 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 60 0 0 20 1 0 0 0 24 75 75 2 25 2 1 0 0 32 100 100 2 50 3 2 0 0 50 200 200 3 100 3 3 0 0
innovation [ New ] Inn Hostess Coins Limit Increased
bir konuya ARES içerik ekledi : Innovations and Details
As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. With the arrangement we made on our RAGNAROK server, the limit of GB (Coins) that you can put in your bank has increased. You can now add up to 100 GB of GB (Coins) to your bank. -
As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. New Rank System: With the New Rank System, You Can Now Win Weekly ( DARKKO Balance , Knight Cash , TL ) Rewards. (Award Amounts Will Be Added In The Following Days.) Topics to be included in the Rank System are as follows ; Ladder ( Weekly Reset Right NP Rank ) Kill (Ranking of Most Kills in 1 Week) Death ( Ranking of Most Dead People in 1 Week ) Mob Kill (Ranking of Most Mob Killers) Play Time (Ranking of People Most Online in the Game) Chaos Win (Ranking of Most Chaos Winners) Juraid Win (Ranking of the Most Juraid Winners) BDW Win (Ranking of Most BDW Winners) Royale Win (Ranking of Most Knight Royale Winners) Spent in Merchant (Ranking of the Total Coins Spent in the Merchant) Earned in Merchant (Ranking of Those Who Have the Most Total Coins Earned in the Merchant) Blessed Upgrade (Ranking of the Most Successful Upgrades with Blessed Scrool)
As the xACS Team, I will talk about our new features that we will present to you on our #RAGNAROK Server. FPS And Ping Indicator : You will be able to see how many FPS you get and how many ping you get in the game from the FPS and Ping Indicator located in the upper left corner of your game screen. You can turn this indicator off if you wish, from the Show FPS&Ping Option from the Game Tab in the Game ( F10 ).
innovation New Trusted Computers System (Two-factor Authentication)
bir konuya xTraPP içerik ekledi : Innovations and Details
Hello DARKKO ; We continue our innovations Our new trusted computer system is activated to secure your account. With this system, your account can only be entered with trusted computers. After you create your account, the first computer you log in to will be automatically added to the list of trusted computers. When you try to log in with another new computer , a warning will greet you : After you click the button, a code will be sent to your email address by the system. You can make 1 email request for each 5 minutes. A message will be sent to your email address : After entering the code in the field called "Enter security code:", all you had to do is press the "Add This PC" button. Some information about the system: You can add an unlimited number of trusted computers. Email verification will be asked once for each computer. The system is not optional. If you do not specify the correct e-mail address during registration, you may lose access to the account. All trusted computers will be deleted automatically after you change your password. After changing your password, the first computer you log in to will be automatically added to the trusted computers. Email verification is not required for the computer on which you first logged in after registration. -
Followme // New Pk Movi̇e #Xqtd [ Darkko]
bir konuya tugii16 içerik ekledi : Resim & Video Paylaşımı -
premium New Premium Pack ( Starter Pack )
bir konuya ARES içerik ekledi : Power UP Store and Premiums
[Starter Pack] Package Contents As Follows; The price has been determined as 500 TL Balance . We Are Sure That The Content And The Price Will Satisfy You. The Gifts of the Starter Package are shown in the picture you see below. NOTE: The image of the emblem you see in the picture may vary. NOTE : Infinite Arrow is for 15 Days NOTE: Special Tattoo is for 7 days. To crack it, it is enough to right-click on the Starter Package and say Exchange from the window that opens. Also, when you break the Platinum Pre, the future gifts are as follows; -
innovation New Exceptional Items (Crafting) System
bir konuya LEGIONNAIRE içerik ekledi : Innovations and Details
Greetings Knights! DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience. Exceptional Items now provide 4 APs instead of 2 extra APs. According to their normal state. (Ex: +7 Mirage Dagger (87) While attacking, he will attack with his new version (91)) High Class items such as Mirage Dagger, Glave, Iron Crossbow, Harpoon, Salamander Staff, and Totamic Club that are not exceptional items are now available. Exceptional Products Can Be Made at [Hepa Pupil] Shozin NPC in Moradon. As an example there is Mirage Dagger and you want to make this Extraordinary Mirage Dagger. Requirements for this The weapon you want to transform must be at least +1. Required Materials Devil Feather [1] Must Be 5 Of The Item Required Materials Devil's Spear Stone [2] Must Be 5 Of The Item Required Materials Dark Magic Book [3] Must Be 5 Of The Item Exp Raptor = 1x Exp Shard = 1x Exp İron Bow = 1x Exp Iron Ipmact = 1x Exp Mirage Dagger = 5x Exp Elixir Staff = 5x Exp Mirage = 5x Exp Impact = 4x Exp Totomic Spear = 4x Exp Graham = 4x Exp Glave = 3x Exp İron Crossbow = 3x Exp Totomic Club = 3x Exp Durandal = 3x Exp Deep Scar = 2x Exp Blade Axe = 2x Exp Harpoon = 2x Exp Salamander Staff = x1 Where can the materials be obtained? Devil Feather [1] and Devil's Spear Stone [2] Material can be obtained from any creature in the Luferson Castle & Elmorad Castle Region. The Dark Magic Book [3] Material can be obtained from any creature in the Colony Zone Area.-
- (crafting)
- items
(3 tane daha)
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