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LEGIONNAIRE kullanıcısının paylaşımları

  1. Merhaba DarkKnightOnline Ekibi Olarak Sizlere Knight Cash Kazanabileceğiniz Sistem Hakkında Bilgi Vereceğim. Önemli : Anlatacağımız Sistem'den Offline Merchant Yararlanamaz Bilginize. Yapmanız Gereken Tamamen Oyunda Online Olarak Kalmanız. Bu Sistemden Yararlanabilmeniz İçin Herhangi Bir İtem Yada Premium'a İhtiyacınız Yoktur , Herhangi Bir Map Zorunluluğu Yoktur. 1 Saat'te 3 Cash Direkt Olarak Hesabınıza Otomatik Olarak Tanımlanacaktır.
  2. Merhaba Şovalyeler, Yeni savaş oylama sistemiyle birlikte artık savaş haritalarını sizler seçebileceksiniz. "War Map List" içerisinde, arasından seçebileceğiniz 7 farklı savaş haritası bulunmaktadır. Bunlar sırasıyla, Napies Gorge, Alseids Prairie , Nieds Triangle , Nereids Island , Mini Ronark Land , Oreads ve son olarak Snow War haritalarıdır. Savaş oylaması başladığında görseldeki ekrandan dilediğiniz harita ismine tıklayarak oy verebilirsiniz. Savaş Ödülleri İki ırkın düşman NPC'lerini öldürmeye çalıştığı bu büyük savaşta, düşman bölgesini ele geçirmek için Warder 1 ve Warder 2'yi yok etmeniz gerekir. Bu iki warder yok edildikten sonra savaşı kazanmak için Keeper yok edilmelidir. Bu hedefleri yok eden oyunculara sistem tarafından otomatik olarak Knight Cash ödülü gönderilecektir. Napies Gorge Alseids Prairie Nieds Triangle Haritası Mini Ronark Land Oreads Haritası
  3. Merhaba DARKKO ; ✔ 3 Adet Aynı Tip +10 Takıya Bonus Eklemek Ve +11'e Upgrade Yapmak İçin [Scroll Merchant] Karon NPC'sinden basacağınız Bonusa Göre kağıdı alıp [ Magic anvil ] NPC'sine sağ Tıklayıp Compund Accesory seçeneğine tıklayalım. Bu aşamada örnek olarak Ben 3 Adet +10 STR Takısına Bonus Olarak HP Basmak istiyorum Görmüş olduğunuz üzere işlem çok basit bir şekilde tamamlandı Takılara Bonus Eklemek Ve Upgrade yaparken sizden belirli bir miktar ücret isteyecektir

    Forgotten Temple Event

    Level cap, will be determined based on the player base after the launch Entrance fee : Will be determined based on the total coins in the server Player limit: 32 player. 10 minutes countdown window will appear on your screen in event time. If you click "enter" your registration for the event will complete. You can cancel your registration anytime you want. Reward: Blue Treasure Chest

    Mini Ronark Land Details

    Entrence for the event will be from Lunar Valley for both races. The event map is designed as smaller version of the Ronark Land map. There are two chaos stone in bowl area of the map. There will be various collection race event specific for this map.
  6. What is Ronark Land Base Even ? It's a war event that opened specific days of the week. You can enter from Lunar Valley It's a war zone you can Farm experience, national point and items with high competition. There are various monsters in the bowl area. There will be various collection race event specific for this map.

    Bifrost details

    Event Name : Bifrost ( Will be activated later. Bifrost event is not active on official immediately ) Event Times : Uncertain Event Days : Everyday The nation who captured the Bifrost Monument will have access to bifrost area 30 minutes before the enemy nation. You can obtain bifrost fragments from killing the the monsters who represents seven deadly sins. You can obtain unique items from Chaotic generator with using fragments. There are two types of stones that you can obtain from the bifrost monters.

    Knight Royale

    Event name : Knight Royale Event Times : Uncertain Event Days : Everyday How can I join the event? You can join the event by clicking "join" button on the window that will appear on your screen when the event starts Registration time is 10 minutes, after that times all the registered players will be summoned to the battle field. Knight Royale Mode ( aka Pathos Battlegrounds ) All the players are equally strong and equipped with the same items Players will spawn randomly in the map. Poisonous Gas will be released to the area after 3 minutes The battle will continue until only one player survives. Details: All the players will have 30 health potions, Basic Bow, Basic Sword, 20 arrows and 2 skills ( 30 usage limiation ) All the players will start the battle as 1 level. Players can increase their level by killing other players and monsters. ( max HP Max MP damage and defence will increase based on your level ) Players can not see the health bar of other players. Only the dirst 80 players who clicked "join" will enter the battlefield The Map If the number of players who join the battle is more than 40, the event will start in 1st Gas Area. If the number of players who join the battle is less than 40, the event will start in 3rd Gas area. Poisonous Gas will narrow down from the 1st area to 5th every 180 seconds. When you enter the poisonous gas area the text that you see in the below picture will appear on your screen. You screen will turn purple when you start getting damag by the poisonous gas. Monsters You can obtain Items, Potions and Arrows by killing the monsters in the area There are Items sets that has tree different power level. There are Gift of Pathos Chest in the map. Chest will apear on specific location of the map with specific times. You can obtain items by finding those chest. After the event is over, all the items you obtained from the event will be removed. Rewards : ● 1st : ( Royal Emblem + Blue Treasure Chest + 750 KC + 2000 NP) ● 2nd ( Royal Emblem + Green Treasure Chest + 650 KC + 1500 NP ) ● 3rd( Royal Emblem + Random Item Box + 550 KC + 1000 NP ) ● 4th ( Royal Emblem + Random Item Box + 450 KC + 750 NP ) ● 5th ( Royal Emblem + Random Item Box + 450 KC + 500 NP) ● To All Winning or Losing Players Event Coin ve 5M Exp. If you wonder what Event Coin will do Click here. Check your inventory before you join the event , players with full inventory can not receive any rewards. We advice you to leave at least one empty space for it. Sincerely, DarkKnightOnline Admins.
  9. Event name : Border Defence War [Bdw] Event schedule : Every day - 01:00 - 14:00 - 19:00 How would you join BDW ? ; * In order to join this event , you need to be online at certain time this event occurs. * When it's the time of BDW, you can simply click onto join via this pop-up visible in this screenshot. It pops-up when the time has come. Details About BDW ; * War is 8 vs 8 , and every player is EQUAL. There is no difference in terms of LvL or Items. * War will be ended in 30 minutes. You will be joined into the war as a party of 8. * When you killed an enemy , you will get 1 point for your nation. * Nation that captures and takes " Altar of Manes " to their base will earn 80 points for their nation. * If a character does not respawn or stays AFK for a certain time , they will be sent back to Moradon automatically. Win Conditions ; * 500 points nation is the winner! * If none of nations have the 500 points after 30 minutes, more points nation will be winner of Border Defence War. The Winning Team Red Treasure Chest 8 Hours Special Emblem (100 HP +%15 exp + 2NP Bonus) 500 National Point 5M Experience Points Event Coin Green Soul The Losing Team 3M Experience Points Event Coin If you wonder what Event Coin will do Click here.

    Chaos - Details

    Event Name : Chaos Event Schedule : Every day , there is certain time for chaos. How would you join Chaos ? ; * In order to join this event , you need to be online when this event occurs. * When it's the time of Chaos, you can simply click onto join via this pop-up and you become a candidate for joining. Details about Chaos Map ; War management ; Everyone is EQUAL and FFA ( Free for all ) Time ; 20 minutes Max. 18 people can fight against each other at the same time. You will get ranks depend on your kill and death scores. Rewards ; ● 1st ( Blue Treasure Chest + 750 KC + Chaos Emblem + 2000 NP) (Emblem Time 8 Hours) ● 2nd ( BlueTreasure Chest +650 KC + Chaos Emblem + 1000 NP ) ● 3rd ( Green Treasure Chest +550 KC + Chaos Emblem + 1000 NP ) ● 4th ( Green Treasure Chest +450 KC + Chaos Emblem + 750 NP ) ● 5th ( Green Treasure Chest +350 KC + Chaos Emblem + 750 NP ) If you wonder what Event Coin will do Click here.

    Collection Race Event

    Hello knight! We, DarkKnightOnline team will inform you about "Collection Race Event" to those are not familiar with this event. Collection Race Event rewards may vary . ( like random items ) You'll see the notice about Collection Race Event before the event starts. This notice will include where the event will be and when does it start. Collection Race Event pop-up is a map spesific event. This means ; for example, Ronark Land event won't pop-up to your screen when you are in other zones. But when you teleport back to zone that this event is active, you will be able to see your pop-up once again. Collection Race Event can be happening in more than one zone at a time. Ronark Land , Eslant and Moradon can have this event at the same time. All of these events are separate from each other. This chart will appear with the notice that inform you Collection Rate Evet begun on Top right of your screen. Collection Race You can make it appear and this appear this chart simply via clicking. Event Gift Limit , Time Remaining Here you'll see how many players can join , How many players are active at this event and You can see time for Collection Rate Event. Collect & Hunt This chart shows you what quest you should complete in order to get your reward. Rewards Here , You will see the rewards you would get when you complete the conditions for winning.

    Cursed Gobble Event Detail

    Greetings Knights! DarkKnightOnline team is here to tell you about Cursed Gobble Event. Cursed Gobble spawns for both nations at Elmorad Castle , Luferson Castle , Asga Village , Bellua Village , Laiba Village , Linate Village Maps/Zones. Important details for this event ; You need to kill Cursed Gobble at Elmorad Castle and Luferson Castlede first then it will spawn in an order as Asga,Bellua,Linate, and Laiba. Respawn time is 6 hours. You will earn Random Power Up Store items , Silver Bars , Lotto with 100% chance , 50 M Exp and Silver Earring, Amulet of Dexterity, Amulet of Strength,Amulet Of Health,Belt of Strength, Ruby Ring , Bronze Earring , Silver Bar , Gold Ring , Belt Of Life likewise items.

    War Maps and Rewards

    Hail Knights, With the new battle voting system, you will now be able to select battle maps. "War Map List" has 7 different battle maps to choose from. These are Napies Gorge, Alseids Prairie, Nieds Triangle, Nereids Island, Mini Ronark Land, Oreads and finally Snow War maps. When the war voting starts, you can vote on the screen by clicking on the desired map name. War rewards In this great battle where the two races try to kill their enemy NPCs, you have to destroy Warder 1 and Warder 2 to take over the enemy territory. Once these two warders have been destroyed you must destroy the Keeper to win the battle. Players who destroy these targets will automatically receive the Knight Cash prize by the system. Napies Gorge Alseids Prairie Nieds Triangle Mini Ronark Land Oreads

    Delos Acessory Farm

    Hail Knights, Located in the fortress of Delos, the Abyss dungeon consists of circular large rooms that extend down to the floor. While there are partially weak creatures in the dungeon near the ground level, the creatures that are encountered are getting stronger as you reach the lower levels . Below the list you will find all of the creatures that you can drop +7 accessories. White colored monsters are easy to kill, green ones are moderately hard and the red colored ones are difficult to kill. Lutterslan Solid Bin Shadow Phantom Ghost Warrior Wraith Gloom Hound burning skeleton Reaper
  15. Hail Knights, In this collection race event, where all players are competing to finish their killing missions and receive rewards within a set time, our prizes may differ from each event as it is a "Random Item". Before the start of the event, an announcement is made about where and when the event will take place. The event can be opened on a map-specific basis, and can only be seen when the map is opened, not visible on other maps. Separate events can be started on two different maps at the same time.
  16. You can obtain this fragment from Bifrost Bosses and Garden Farm. Bifrost will be deactivated in the first weeks of the server. In the mean time you can obtain these fragments by garden farm. With newly developped system , you can go to the chaotic generator and click on "drop " button to open a seperate window with all the fragment types. You can click a fragment to see which items you can drop from it. .... need update ....
  17. You can see the event calendar by pressing the Icon next to you health bar. You can see the server time and event times in the "Daily Event Schedule" window. There will be many events that will be opened by our Game Master team in certain days of the weeks. You can only check the daily even schedule in game. Event times may change.
  18. Salute honorable Knights! DarkKnightOnline team Colony Zone & Elmorad Castle & Luferson Castle, All the zones have these repeatable Quests. Let's learn more about these quests! Every map has lots of different type quests. As you level up , these quests will increase. For instance , if you wonder about Elmorad Castle and Luferson Castle Map Quests and Experience you will gain ; You need to tap '' U '' button first, Click onto QUEST tab and you can check Quests by clicking onto them and see their awards, experiences and gifts they can give to you. Visual below belongs to Quests for Elmorad Castle and Luferson Castle. P.S: You need to tap " O " at which map you want to do your quest. English : ( topic : Repeatable Quests in all maps ) There are many different types of quest in different maps. Number of quest will increase as you level up. You can check the quests and its rewards by pressing the "U" key on your keyboard and press the "QUEST" tab on your character window. You need to be in the map that you wish to see the quest list. Monster Name Level Gap Map Amount of Mobs to kill Reward you'll get Amount of Award Repeatable ? Party&Solo Scorpion Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Spoiler Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Pincers Scorpion Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 50 Exp 25.000 X Party Pooka Hunt 30/40 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 200.000 X Party Undying Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 50 Exp 35.000 X Party Skeleton Hunt 30/40 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 50.000 X Party Saber Tooth Hunt 30/40 Luferson Elmorad Castle 50 Exp 175.000 X Party Stegodon Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 15 Exp 15.000 X Party Orc Watcher Hunt 30/40 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 225.000 X Party Ape Hunt 30/40 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 225.000 X Party Lycan Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 7.500 X Party Loup-Garou Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 15.000 X Party Skeleton Hunt 20/30 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Smilodon Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Ash Knight Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Saber Tooth Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Death Knight Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Skeleton Champion Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Undying Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Uruk Tron Hunt 50/55 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Decayed Zombie Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Uruk Hai Hunt 50/55 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Uruk Blade Hunt 50/55 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Troll Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Stone Golem Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Apostle Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Tyon Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 2.000.000 ✓ Party Lich Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 2.225.000 ✓ Party Skeleton Knight Hunt 50/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 120 Exp 1.500.000 ✓ Party Haunga Warrior Hunt 30/55 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Hornet Hunt 40/49 Luferson Elmorad Castle 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Haunga Hunt 40/49 Luferson Elmorad Castle 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Ash Knight Hunt 40/49 Luferson Elmorad Castle 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Ape Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Harpy Hunt 55/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Pincers Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Luferson Elmorad Castle 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Harpy Hunt 55/69 Karus Elmorad Eslant 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Hunt 55/69 Karus Elmorad Eslant 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Karus Elmorad Eslant 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy 55/69 Karus Elmorad Eslant 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Apostle Hunt 55/69 Karus Elmorad Eslant 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Bandicoot Hunt 1/20 Moradon 5 Exp 25 X Party Bulcan Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 250 X Party Wild Bulcan Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 400 X Party Kecoon Warrior Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 1000 X Party Gavolt Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 400 X Party Kecoon Captain Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 1500 X Party Bulture Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 1800 X Party Giant Bulcan Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 2250 X Party Werewolf Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 2500 X Party Silan Bone Collect 10/30 Moradon 3 Exp 2500 X Party Fang of Wolf Man Collect 10/30 Moradon 5 Exp 2750 X Party Gavolt Hunt 10/30 Moradon 20 Exp 4000 X Party Gloomwing Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 6500 X Party Orc Watcher Hunt 30/40 Moradon 100 Exp 225.000 X Party Worm Hunt 1/20 Moradon 5 Exp 25 X Party Silk Bundle Collect 1/20 Moradon 5 Exp 25 X Party Player Hunt 62/72 Mini Ronark Land 250 Random items 1 ✓ Party Chaos Stone Hunt 62/72 Ronark Land 3 700 Knight Cash 1 X Party Player Hunt 62/72 Ronark Land 250 Random items 1 ✓ Party Lamia Hunt 45/49 Ronark Land 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Lamiros Hunt 45/49 Ronark Land 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Harpy Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Riote Hunt 60/72 Ronark Land 100 Random Pus items 1 ✓ Party Atross Hunt 60/72 Ronark Land 80 Random Pus items 1 ✓ Party Cardinal Hunt 30/72 Ronark Land 50 Gold Coin 1 ✓ Party Dark Mare Hunt 60/72 Ronark Land 400 Trina 1 ✓ Party Lobo Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Lobo Pendant 1 X Solo Lupus Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Lupus Pendant 1 X Solo Lycaon Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Lycaon Pendant 1 X Solo Lesath Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Tail of Lesath 1 X Solo Shaula Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Tail of Shaula 1 X Solo Barkirra Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Fang of Barkirra 1 X Solo Orc Bandit Leader Hunt 55/72 Ronark Land 3 Holy Water 1 X Solo Apostle Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Stone Golem Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 55/69 Ronark Land 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Dark Mare Hunt 60/72 Ardream 400 Trina 1 ✓ Party Player Hunt 60/72 Ardream 250 Random İtems 1 ✓ Party
  19. Every clan member can store their items and materials into the clan storage but only the clan leader and assistance can withdraw the items. You can't delete the clan when you have items in clan storage. There will be a notice to inform all the clan members when a clan leader or clan assistance withdraw an item from the clan storage. NPC name : [Clan Inn Hostess ] in moradon. You can see it called "Clan Inn Hostess" in Moradon. Kordinat : 317.341 Reflection of Transactions to the Clan Section as Notice
  20. Hello Knights! We ,DarkKnightOnline team will give you information about how to earn Knight Cash. Important: Offline Merchant Unavailable From The System. All you have to do is being online. You don't need anything to use this system. There is no map obligation. You will get 3 Cash in an hour directly to your account.
  21. Salute Knights!DarkKnightOnline team presenting you overall Boss item drops and their ratios. Kekurikekukaka Kekuri Belt, Kekuri Ring Lobo Lobo Hammer, Staff, Pendant Lupus Lupus Hammer, Staff, Pendant Lycoan Lycaon Hammer, Staff, Pendant Barkk Tooth Barkirra Sword of Beast, Fang of Barkirra Antares Level 35 Magician Spell, Scorpion Scythe Shaula Scorpion Shield, Scorpion, Bow, Tail of Shaula Lesath Chitin Bow, Tail of Lesath Hyde Sword of the Dead Dragon Tooth Dragon Tooth Hammer Bone Collector Skull Hammer Duke Ring of Courage Bishop Ring of Magic Bach Ring of Life Javana Javana Axe, Two-handed Javana Axe Samma Gigantic Axe, Two-handed Gigantic Axe Atilla Priest Pendant,Elemental Pendant,Warrior Pendant Acer Priest Pendant,Elemental Pendant,Warrior Pendant Orc Bandit Leader Holy Water of Temple Troll King Bronze Earring, Silver Earring, Gold Earring, Crystal Earring, Platinum Earring, Elf Earring, Secret Silver Earring, White Silver Earring, Agate Earring, Opal Earring Deruvish Founder Opal ring, Agate Ring, Ruby Ring, Diamond Ring, Emerald Ring, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Elf Ring, Crystal Ring, Platinum Ring Harpy Queen Feather of Harpy Queen, Magician Earring, Warrior Earring, Priest Earring, Rogue Earring. Talos Belt of Life, Mana Belt, Fire Belt, Ice Belt, Lightning Belt, Crystal Belt, Iron Belt, Bronze Belt, Glass Belt, Belt of Strength, Belt of Dexterity, Belt of Intelligence, Elf Belt, Belt of Curse, Skeleton Belt, Harpy Belt. Snake Quenn Amulet of Curse, Amulet of Strength, Amulet of Dexterity, Amulet of Intelligence, Amulet of Magic Power, Amulet of Health, Elemental Necklace, Crystal Necklace, Iron Necklace, Amulet of Goddess, Blue Dragon Necklace, Red Dragon Amulet, Black Dragon Necklace, Green Dragon Amulet, White Dragon Amulet
  22. Salute Knights! As DarkKnightOnline team I will talk about our features. Let's not forget that these kind of changes and features will make everyone's gaming experience best for all. We created a new system so you can complete accessory quests. You can see all the details right blow. NPC : Elmorad : [Sentinel] Cheina Karus : [Sentinel] Cape Location : Asga/Bellua Village Quest : You need to kill 80 Macairodos. (You need to kill 160 times for 2x Ring) Reward : Assassin Ring, Mercenary Ring, Warrior Ring, Priest Ring ( Different rings for each class.) NPC : Elmorad : [Sentinel] Cheina Karus : [Sentinel] Cape Location : Asga/Bellua Village Quest: You need to kill 50 Blood Don. Reward: Body Belt (Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warrior) NPC : Elmorad : [Mercenary] Tales Karus : [Mercenary] Russel Konum : Roan/Doda Camp Quest : You need to kill 80 Sheriff. (for 2 earrings you need to kill 160 times) Reward : Assassin Earring, Mage Earring, Warrior Earing , Priest Earing ( Different earrings for each class. ) NPC : Elmorad : [Mercenary] Tales Karus : [Mercenary] Russel Konum : Roan/Doda Camp Quest : You need to kill 50 Garuna. Ödül : (Cleric Pendant,Warrior Pendant , Messenger Pendant) ( Different pendants for each class.)
  23. Salute Knights! We, as DarkKnightOnline team, will inform you about some drops and their rates. Important : Except ColonyZone all the drops are same for Karus & Humans . Let me give you an example to clarify. First you need to get close to Mob and check what drops you can get. Eslant Dark Mare : As you can see there isn't any drop of Shard Raptor kinda items. These kind of valuable items are accessible at ColonyZone Darkmare's. What I want to tell you is: ColonyZone's Drop & Exp rates are 50% more than other zones, and items may vary. Example: These rates are not defined as original rates. Eslant Darkmare Drop : [Iron Bow] 10% ColonyZone Darkmare Drop : [Iron Bow] 15% I'll line up Dark Mare drops for you at Colony Zone and Eslant: Eslant Darkmare: ColonyZone Darkmare:
  24. Greetings Knights! DarkKnightOnline team will inform you about all kinds of chests our Server has. Drops are exactly same with Original US-KO. If you are curious about drops you can get from particular boxes and chests , you can see all the drops via Operator Moria NPC [Drop info] thanks to our new system. You can choose the chest, box or lotto and see what it drops.
  25. Low Class Scroll UPGRADE Oran Ücret Trina ile +1-> +2 %100 2.500 %0 +2-> +3 %100 5.000 %0 +3-> +4 %70 10.000 %0 +4-> +5 %64 20.000 %0 +5-> +6 %50 40.000 %0 +6-> +7 %10 80.000 %0 Middle Class Scroll UPGRADE Oran Ücret Trina ile +1-> +2 %100 5.000 %0 +2-> +3 %100 10.000 %0 +3-> +4 %70 20.000 %0 +4-> +5 %64 40.000 %0 +5-> +6 %50 80.000 %0 +6-> +7 %10 100.000 %0 +7-> +8 %4 200.000 %0 +8-> +9 %1 400.000 %0 +9-> +10 %0 0 %0 Blessed High Class Scroll UPGRADE Oran Ücret Trina ile +1-> +2 %100 10.000 %100 +2-> +3 %100 20.000 %100 +3-> +4 %60 40.000 %100 +4-> +5 %50 160.000 %85 +5-> +6 %35 160.000 %50 +6-> +7 %5 640.000 %10 +7-> +8 %0 0 %0 +8-> +9 %0 0 %0 +9-> +10 %0 0 %0 Upgrade Class Scroll UPGRADE Oran Ücret Trina ile +1-> +2 %100 40.000 %0 +2-> +3 %30 80.000 %0 +3-> +4 %15 160.000 %0 +4-> +5 %8 320.000 %0 Unique Blessed High Class Scroll UPGRADE Oran Ücret Trina ile +1-> +2 %100 240.000 %100 +2-> +3 %100 240.000 %100 +3-> +4 %55 240.000 %100 +4-> +5 %50 240.000 %85 +5-> +6 %35 500.000 %60 +6-> +7 %5 100.0000 %10 +7-> +8 %0 0 %0 +8-> +9 %0 0 %0 +9-> +10 %0 0 %0 Rebirth Class Scroll UPGRADE Oran Ücret Karivdis ile +1-> +2 %20 0 %40 +2-> +3 %20 0 %40 +3-> +4 %20 0 %40 +4-> +5 %20 0 %40 Accessory Unique UPGRADE Oran Ücret +0-> +1 %100 50.000.000 +1-> +2 %66 100.000.000 +2-> +3 %33 150.000.000 Accessory Normal Upgrade UPGRADE Oran Ücret +5-> +6 %100 125.000 +6-> +7 %100 250.000 +7-> +8 %100 2.000.000 +8-> +9 %100 3.000.000 +9-> +10 %100 5.000.000 +10-> %100 60.000.000
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