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Araştırmada 4 sonuç bulundu

  1. Merhaba DARKKO Ekibi Olarak , Sizlere Özelliklerimizden Bahsedeceğim , Unutmayınız Bu Tür Modifiye Edilmiş Birçok Özellik Ve Sistemsel Değişiklikler Sizlerin Daha Kaliteli Ve Rahat Bir Şekilde Oyunda Zaman Geçirmenizi Sağlayacaktır. Aşağıdaki Resimde Göründüğü Üzere Yapmanız Gereken [D] Yani Drop Arama Butonuna Basmak. İki Şekilde Drop Arayabilirsiniz. Etrafınızda Olan Moblar Anında Listede Gözükecektir. Çift Tıklayıp İçeriğine Göz Atabilirsiniz. Diğer Türlü ise Etrafınızda Olmayan İçeriğini Merak Ettiğiniz Mob'un ismini aratarak Bakabilirsiniz. Detaylı Anlatımı Videodan İzleyebilirsiniz;
  2. Salute Knights! We, as DarkKnightOnline team, will inform you about some drops and their rates. Important : Except ColonyZone all the drops are same for Karus & Humans . Let me give you an example to clarify. First you need to get close to Mob and check what drops you can get. Eslant Dark Mare : As you can see there isn't any drop of Shard Raptor kinda items. These kind of valuable items are accessible at ColonyZone Darkmare's. What I want to tell you is: ColonyZone's Drop & Exp rates are 50% more than other zones, and items may vary. Example: These rates are not defined as original rates. Eslant Darkmare Drop : [Iron Bow] 10% ColonyZone Darkmare Drop : [Iron Bow] 15% I'll line up Dark Mare drops for you at Colony Zone and Eslant: Eslant Darkmare: ColonyZone Darkmare:
  3. Greetings Knights! OSKO team will inform you about our advanced drop search feature. As you can see below, all you need to do is click to "D" button next to " P " . You can look for drops in two ways : You can write down the name of the mob you want to see, and it's drops will be shown on the screen. You can search for drops near your location. It will appear on the list automatically.
  4. Merhaba DarKKO Ekibi Olarak Sizlere Serverimizde Başlıca Boss Droplarını Ve %'leri Hakkında Bilgi Vereceğiz. Bulunduğu Harita Boss Adı Drop İçeriği Moradon Kekurikekukaka Kekuri Belt, Kekuri Ring Colony Zone Lobo Lobo Hammer, Lobo Staff, Lobo Pendant Colony Zone Lupus Lupus Hammer, Lupus Staff, Lupus Pendant Colony Zone Lycoan Lycaon Hammer, Lycaon Staff, Lycaon Pendant Colony Zone Barkk Tooth, High Class İtems Colony Zone Barkirra Sword of Beast, Fang of Barkirra, Luferson & El Morad Castle Antares Level 35 Magician Spell, Scorpion Scythe Eslant & Colony Zone Shaula Scorpion Shield, Scorpion, Bow, Tail of Shaula Colony Zone Lesath Chitin Bow, Tail of Lesath Luferson & El Morad Castle Hyde Sword of the Dead Eslant Dragon Tooth Dragon Tooth Hammer Colony Zone Bone Collector Skull Hammer Colony Zone Duke Ring of Courage Colony Zone Bishop Ring of Magic Colony Zone Bach Ring of Life Colony Zone Javana Javana Axe, Two-handed Javana Axe Eslant & Colony Zone Samma Gigantic Axe, Two-handed Gigantic Axe Luferson & El Morad Castle Atilla Priest Pendant,Elemental Pendant,Warrior Pendant Ardream Acer Priest Pendant,Elemental Pendant,Warrior Pendant Colony Zone Orc Bandit Leader Holy Water of Temple Eslant Troll King Bronze Earring, Silver Earring, Gold Earring, Crystal Earring, Platinum Earring, Elf Earring, Secret Silver Earring, White Silver Earring, Agate Earring, Opal Earring Eslant Deruvish Founder Opal ring, Agate Ring, Ruby Ring, Diamond Ring, Emerald Ring, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Elf Ring, Crystal Ring, Platinum Ring Eslant Harpy Queen Feather of Harpy Queen, Magician Earring, Warrior Earring, Priest Earring, Rogue Earring. Eslant Talos Belt of Life, Mana Belt, Fire Belt, Ice Belt, Lightning Belt, Crystal Belt, Iron Belt, Bronze Belt, Glass Belt, Belt of Strength, Belt of Dexterity, Belt of Intelligence, Elf Belt, Belt of Curse, Skeleton Belt, Harpy Belt. Eslant Snake Quenn Amulet of Curse, Amulet of Strength, Amulet of Dexterity, Amulet of Intelligence, Amulet of Magic Power, Amulet of Health, Elemental Necklace, Crystal Necklace, Iron Necklace, Amulet of Goddess, Blue Dragon Necklace, Red Dragon Amulet, Black Dragon Necklace, Green Dragon Amulet, White Dragon Amulet
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