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DARKKO 4. Ayında! +500.00 TL Ödül Teslim Edildi

100K , 250K , 500K , 1M NP Certificate Details

Önerilen Mesajlar

image.png.56f71fbfcf606f070d96f302fb79da5a.pngThese certificates have the appearance on the left and you can only get them by selling your np.

NOTE : It cannot be traded and transferred to the bank.

You can obtain 100K, 250K, 500K, 1M Certifications according to the amount of np you will sell by clicking the Seal [ National Point ] option on the 1st page of the Peddler [ Hemes ] NPC.




You can get the Certificates you get from [Hepa Pupil] Shozin Npcs.


The contents of these Certificates are as follows;

image.png.ad126c486c7da6071514d10dcb62cc6b.png Certficate Of 1M NP 
Starter Paket 
Platinum Premium
Master Job Change
200 xACS Balance
100 xACS Balance


image.png.1fafe6b99e245839ab873b4ee0b54dc5.png Certficate Of 500K NP 
Valkyrie Set  ( 2 Pieces In Armor And Helmet Form) Can Be Sold.


image.png.b30fbedca5d473158d303bc222883337.png Certficate Of 250K NP 
100 TL Balance
50 TL Balance
100M Exp Jar
25 xACS Bakiye 
50 xACS Bakiye
15 Days Genie


image.png.02951fcc8b6e628277cffeb0546cb8dc.png Certficate Of 100K NP 
Blue Treasure Chest

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