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  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
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innovation Voucher Right-Click Exchange System

Önerilen Mesajlar

You can crack the Starter Pack, All Premium Types, KC Coupon Family, Merchant Eye Coupon,Items Containing Tattoo Coupon remotely with the help of right click without going to the NPC, or you can see the gifts included in the package content.

When you hover over the Starter Package or other PUS Item, you will be greeted with a warning like the image below.

NOTE: The starter package example is shown below. In the description section of all the items included in this system, there is the phrase [ Right Click to Use This Item ].
You can access the package details by right clicking.


When you right-click on the package with your mouse, a window like the image below will greet you.


As it can be understood from the image I shared above, you can see the gifts that the Starter package will give from this window, you can remotely crack it with the Exchange button at the bottom, or you can close the window by saying Close.

NOTE: If you do Exchange if there is no empty space in your bag, an error window will appear as in the image I shared below.


When you break the premium item, a window like the one below will greet you.


What are the Items Included in This System?

Item Name Item Icon
Starter Package starter.png
Platinum Premium plat.png
Gold Premium gold.png
Silver Premium silver.png
Clan Premium clan.png
Bronze Premium bronze.png
Voucher for Genie ( 15 Days ) + Auto Loot ( 15 Days )  image.png.f9da089212c264194853b92bd1cdc59f.png.bee5cf5f90e127948f0d7a1c61905c45.png
Voucher of Automatic Loot image.png.0a944484f0b5ebfc2f2f46f3c2b471f2.png.48343f162cb9616b7a4f4d765a2f947d.png
Voucher  Of Genie  image.png.2b2e17d03b7ce07b3a93b6037953639e.png.5b55ea2f6ab02139d8b237268ef3e3d5.png
Voucher Of Merchant Eye's  merc.png
Tag Change Scroll image.png.fbd3bc3b0ea7b90cdbba3378ec1a7ab1.png
Voucher Of Offline Merchant offli.png
Voucher Of Extra Inventory extra.png
Solar Tattoo Voucher image.png.8a525bd2bd8c5acdca2f728362cc3401.png
Lunar Tattoo Voucher image.png.c64682ac963a24e8c7e481a3caede08d.png
Stella Tattoo Voucher image.png.89d50bb29ebc95d97369705e6c582ede.png
Nimbus Tattoo Voucher image.png.8402c53894a7ffc2fc31581f5f2e7e36.png
Voucher Of Infinite Arrow infinite.png
Premium Potion Voucher HP 5000 kırmızı.png1000 kırmızı.png
Premium Potion Voucher MP mp 5000.pngmp 1000.png
Name Change Scroll name.png
Clan Name Change Scroll clan name.png
100 KnightCash Voucher 100 kc.png
350 KnightCash Voucher 350 c.png
700 KnightCash Voucher 700 kc.png
1200 KnightCash Voucher 1200 kc.png
2100 KnightCash Voucher 2100 kc.png
10000 KnightCash Voucher 1000 kc.png
1 TL Voucher image.png.64f85d8fbf51854d2629e0b5407b5b2c.png
5 TL Voucher image.png.e378fb4339d2377bfeaf15cd29aca314.png
10 TL Voucher image.png.afdc15686604c370378911043bb2790f.png
20 TL Voucher image.png.5cdb5545a9f444a711fd874e24435bc8.png
50 TL Voucher image.png.9158cdaca98060291b874ef08132e3d7.png
100 TL Voucher image.png.a174fbab861b51a8227651efeee78002.png

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