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  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
Kendine özgü veritabanı ve geçmişten günümüze kırdığı rekorlarla adını altın harflerle yazdıran DARKKO, 4 Nisan’da geliyor!

innovation Sending Vs Request to User Details Information

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Now you can "VS" whenever you want. All you have to do is right click on the player you want to "VS" to do 1vs1 | 2vs2 | 8vs8, sending a versus request by selecting one of the options.

IMPORTANT: VS requests , 1vs1 | 2v2 | 8v8 is implemented as.

1vs1 Arena

You need to right click on the player you will send the VS Offer to and click on the "1vs1" option in the menu that opens.If you enter and confirm the Knight Cash amount on the screen that opens, the VS request is sent to the player you want to throw VS with the Knight Cash Amount you have determined.

- 1vs1 The player who gets 3 kills wins.

- 1vs1 You can benefit from the Arena event maximum 3 times a day, There is a maximum of 1000 Knight Cash Limits.

- 1vs1 If won, it is automatically credited to the winning player's account.


2vs2 Arena

You need to right click on the player you will send the VS Offer to and click on the "2vs2" option in the menu that opens.If you enter and confirm the Knight Cash amount on the screen that opens, the VS request is sent to the player you want to throw VS with the Knight Cash Amount you have determined.

- 2vs2 Team captains must send a VS request to the opposing team captain after the teams have been formed.

2vs2 The team that gets the first 7 Kills wins.

2vs2 You can benefit from the Arena event maximum 3 times a day, There is a maximum of 1000 Knight Cash Limits.



8v8 Arena 

You need to right click on the player you will send the VS Offer to and click on the "8vs8" option in the menu that opens.If you enter and confirm the Knight Cash amount on the screen that opens, the VS request is sent to the player you want to throw VS with the Knight Cash Amount you have determined.

- 8v8 Arena  Team captains must send a VS request to the opposing team captain after the teams have been formed.

8v8 Arena  The team that gets the first 20 Kills wins.

8v8 Arena  There is no limit to the Arena Event, you can do as much as you want

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