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  • DARKKO Efsanesi 2 Yılın Ardından Bomba Gibi Geliyor!
  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
Kendine özgü veritabanı ve geçmişten günümüze kırdığı rekorlarla adını altın harflerle yazdıran DARKKO, 4 Nisan’da geliyor!

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Greetings DarKKO players.
We are here to present you yet another feature. 

How to use Character Delete Scroll ?

In order to use this you have to buy "Character Delete Scroll" from Power up Store.
P.S.: Character Delete Scroll needs to be on your inventory. If it's on your bank or your extra inventory this process will fail.
Caution ; also the items will be deleted within your character after this process.



You need to select "Character Delete" option via right clicking onto [ Inn Keeper ] Lineia or [ Inn Hostes ]  npcs.


After you choose Character Delete option you need to enter your " item seal pin " and choose which one of your characters to be deleted.
P.S.: Don't forget to get your items off of your character otherwise you will lose them.



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