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  • DARKKO Efsanesi 2 Yılın Ardından Bomba Gibi Geliyor!
  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
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innovation Buying Merchant System

Önerilen Mesajlar

Greetings knights! as we are, DarKKO team ; tell you briefly about our system's features. Let's not forget that, these kind of modified are designed for you to have a comfortable and fun gaming experience.

You can buy the item you wish with simply using our Buying Merchant system. 


How to use this system ?

To setup buying merchant, first press H and check this part image.pngBelow this trade tab image.png  you will face with 2 tabs  below this. 

  • 1st option which is you can sell your items via vendor in trade of either KnightCash or GoldBar.
  • 2nd option which is you can buy the items you wish with the price you adjust.


Item Name

You need to fill this area with the name of item you want.


After you wrote down the name of the item, you may search for it.


After you have searched for you items,  Basic(+0) items will be shown.


After you have searched for your items, Unique(+0) items will be shown.
Craft After the search , unsaleable items will be shown.


After the search you will see the level of upgrade.
Reverse After the search, Reverse items will be shown.
Accessory After the search you can see about features like "poison".


Selecting amount ( You may specify what amount you will buy.) 

Amount of coins to purchase

You can define the price of your purchase.

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