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  • DARKKO Efsanesi 2 Yılın Ardından Bomba Gibi Geliyor!
  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
Kendine özgü veritabanı ve geçmişten günümüze kırdığı rekorlarla adını altın harflerle yazdıran DARKKO, 4 Nisan’da geliyor!

Bifrost details

Önerilen Mesajlar

Event Name : Bifrost ( Will be activated later. Bifrost event is not active on official immediately )
Event Times : Uncertain
Event Days : Everyday

The nation who captured the Bifrost Monument will have access to bifrost area 30 minutes before the enemy nation.





You can obtain bifrost fragments from killing the the monsters who represents seven deadly sins. You can obtain unique items from Chaotic generator with using fragments. 

There are two types of stones that you can obtain from the bifrost monters. 


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