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  • DARKKO Efsanesi 2 Yılın Ardından Bomba Gibi Geliyor!
  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
Kendine özgü veritabanı ve geçmişten günümüze kırdığı rekorlarla adını altın harflerle yazdıran DARKKO, 4 Nisan’da geliyor!

Fragment types & rewards

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You can obtain this fragment from Bifrost Bosses and Garden Farm. Bifrost will be deactivated in the first weeks of the server. In the mean time you can obtain these fragments by garden farm. With newly developped system , you can go to the chaotic generator and click on "drop " button to open a seperate window with all the fragment types. You can click a fragment to see which items you can drop from it. 

.... need update ....

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