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How To Obtain Goblin Armor Set

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Salute Knights!  

 DarkKnightOnline team will teach you how to get Goblin Armors with every detail.

Goblin items can be obtained by killing goblins (Kobold, Bugbear, Pooka ve Goblin Bouncer).

Goblins, For Humans they can be found at North of Asga Village, Orcs can find goblins in a goblin village located at behind a mountain south of Bellua Village's.


In order to produce goblin armor with goblin items, You need to collect 5 of them for a certain item and bring some coins to  [Blacksmith] Heppa(306,351) located at Moradon Town



Every item's requirements are below  ; 

image.png  Goblin Pauldron 

  5 pcs Goblin Pauldron - 100.000 Coins

image.png   Goblin Pads   5 pcs Goblin Pads  - 80.000 Coins
image.png   Goblin Helmet   5 pcs  Goblin Helmet  - 50.000 Coins
image.png  Goblin Gauntlet   5 pcs  Goblin Gauntlet  - 40.000 Coins
image.png  Goblin Boots   5 pcs  Goblin Boots  - 30.000 Coins


As a result of this process you'll get random quality goblin armors according to rates written below.

1st tier   (Cotton, Fabric, Shirt, Quilted): ~%15
2nd tier  (Linen, Silk, Half Plate): ~%65
3rd tier  (Silk, Plate): ~%15
4th tier  (Full Plate, Crystal): ~%4
5th tier  (Chitin, Crimson): ~%1


Goblin armors gain more defence with higher grade. But other features will remain same. These are the common features of goblin items for every class :

 Pauldron: 50 HP, 16 FR, 16 GR, 16 LR

 Pads: 50 HP, 16 FR, 16 GR, 16 LR

 Helmet: 30 MP, 15 FR

 Gauntlets: 20 HP, 20 MP, 15 GR

 Boots: 20 HP, 20 MP, 15 LR


Additional features are changing depending on what class you are ; 


  • Pauldron: Magic Power +10
  • Pads: Health +10
  • Helmet: Magic Power +8
  • Gauntlets: Intelligence +7
  • Boots: Magic Power +7


  • Pauldron: Health +10
  • Pads: Strenght +10
  • Helmet: Health +8
  • Gauntlets: Intelligence +7
  • Boots: Intelligence +7


  • Pauldron: Dexterity +10
  • Pads: Health +10
  • Helmet: Dexterity +8
  • Gauntlets: Health +7
  • Boots: Dexterity +7

Warrior ; 

  1. Pauldron: Strenght +10
  2. Pads: Health +10
  3. Helmet: Strenght +8
  4. Gauntlets: Strenght +7
  5. Boots: Health +7


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