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  1. Salute DarkKnightOnline players. I will inform you about the basics and detailed skills of rogues. Rogue :Assassin / Archer : Archery, Assassin, Explore Shadow Vain (Karus), Kasar Hood (El Morad) Speed and talent needing characters. Assassins can deal very high damages in a brief time with their combo skills. Archers have the highest attack range in the game even if they don't deal as much damage as Assassins. Rogue & Archer skills in general Basic skills: Sprint [level1] increases your movement speed.Archery [level3] Shoots an arroww.Stab [level5] Deals 150% damage to the target.Swift [level10] increases your movement speed.Blood of wolf [level30]. Increases the attack powers of party members by 20%. Assassin skills: Jab [level0] Deals damage while ignoring the defense of the target.Blood drain [level10] Drains 5% of the target's HP. 1 minute cooldown.Pierce [level15] Deals 200% damage to the target.Shock [level20] Deals damage while ignoring the defense of the target.Illisuon [level30] For a brief time , decreases the success of the enemy attacks. Can not be used on monsters. Thrust [level35] Deals 400% damage to the target.Cut [level40] Deals damage while ignoring the defense of the target.Stealth [level45] You will be invisible for 80 seconds. Attacks will interrupt. Vampiric touch [level50] Drains 10% of the target's HP. 1 minute cooldown.Spike [level55] Deals 600% damage to the target.Bloody beast [level70] Deals damage while ignoring the defense of the target. Achieved with a quest. Blinding [level72] Deals 400% damage and prevents the target view. Achieved with a quest. Beast hiding [level75] Deals 300% damage and makes you invisible for 5 seconds. Achieved with a quest. Critical point [level80] Gives the player a damage bonus in a critical level. Achieved with a quest. Explore Skilleri : Hide [level0] You'll be invisible for 40 seconds. Fades away upon moving.Minor Healing [level5] Heals the player for 60.Evade [level10] Increases the player's defense by 200 for a brief time.Cat’s eyes [level15] Skill user can see invisible targets for a brief time.Light feet [level25] Gains 2x movement speed for a brief time.Safety [level30] Increases the player's defense by 400 for a brief time.Lupine eyes [level35] You and your party members can see invisible targets.Cure curse [level36] Removes debuffs.Cure disease [level48] Removes debuffs deal constantly damaging.Scaled skin [level60] Increases the player's defense by 800 for a brief time.Enchanced Concentration [level75] for 15 seconds you would never fail with your attacks.Smoke screen [level80] Uses a smoke bomb to prevent enemies sight. Can be used in PvP. Archery Skills : True shot [level1] Deals 150% damage to the target.Fire arrow [level5]. Shoots a flame arrow.Posion arrow [level10] Shoots a poison arrow.Multiple shot [level15] Shoots 3 arrows at a time to the target.Guided arrow [level20] Shoots an arrow with 100% accuracy.Perfect shot [level25] Deals 200% damage to the target.Fire shot [level30] Shoots a powerful flame arrow.Posion shot [level35] Shoots a powerful poison arrow.Arc shot [level40] Deals 250% damage to the target.Explosive shot [level45] Shoots an arrow even more powerful.Viper [level50] Shoots even more powerful poison arrow.Counter Strike [level52] Shoots an arrow with 100% accuracy that deals critical damage.Arrow shower [level55] Shoots 5 arrows at a time to the target.Shadow shoot [level57] Deals 200% damage and hits the target 100% chance.Shadow hunter [level60] Deals 250% damage and hits the target 100% chance.Dark prusuer [level70] Deals 300% damage and hits the target 100% chance.. Achieved with a quest. Blow arrow [level72] Deals 200% damage to the target while moving. Achieved with a quest. Strafe [level75] Deals 400% damage to the target and prevents enemy view. Achieved with a quest. Power shot [level80] It deals enormous damages to the target. Achieved with a quest. Skill Scroll Level 62 : You can obtain this scroll from Secret Agent]Clarence Secret Proxy ]Clarence located in Luferson and EMC. Material requirements are down below. After you have the materials you can visit ; Karus LufersonBellua Village:[ Secret Agent]Clarence Human Elmorad Asga Village [ Secret Proxy ]Clarence Karus Coordinates: 430.708 Human Coordinates: 1663.1323 Kekuri Ring [Boss and events] Crystal [Monsters with a chance] Noah[5.000.000] Activating level 70 , 72 , 75 and 80 skills: 70 skill: Material requirements are down below. After you have the materials you can visit ; Karus Luferson Bellua Village:[ Secret Agent]Clarence Human Elmorad Asga Village [ Secret Proxy ]Clarence Karus Coordinates: 430.708 Human Coordinates: 1663.1323 Nostrum Of Speed [Materials] Stamp Of Dexterity[Materials] Magic Shield Scroll [Materials ] Activating level 70 , 72 , 75 and 80 skills: 72 Skill: Material requirements are down below. After you have the materials you can visit ; Karus Luferson Bellua Village:[ Secret Agent]Clarence Human Elmorad Asga Village [ Secret Proxy ]Clarence Karus Coordinates: 430.708 Human Coordinates: 1663.1323 Holy Water Of Poison [Materials] Magic Jewel Powder [Materials] Noah [10.000.000] Activating level 70 , 72 , 75 and 80 skills: 75 Skill: Material requirements are down below. After you have the materials you can visit ; Karus Lüferson Bellua Village:[ Secret Agent]Clarence Human Elmorad Asga Village [ Secret Proxy ]Clarence Karus Coordinates: 430.708 Human Coordinates: 1663.1323 Stamp Of Dexterity [Materials] Magic Jewel Powder [Materials ] Noah [10.000.000] Activating level 70 , 72 , 75 and 80 skills: 80 Skill: Material requirements are down below. After you have the materials you can visit ; Karus Luferson Bellua Village:[ Secret Agent]Clarence Human Elmorad Asga Village [ Secret Proxy ]Clarence Karus Coordinates: 430.708 Human Coordinates: 1663.1323 Nostrum Of Speed [Materials ] Magic Jewel Powder [Materials] Noah [10.000.000] In addition , here is some items and how to create them. Stamp Of Dexterity Nostrum Of Speed Holy Water Of Poison Quests: Karus Luferson Bellua Village:[ Secret Agent]Clarence Human Elmorad Asga Village [ Secret Proxy ]Clarence Karus Coordinates: 430.708 Human Coordinates: 1663.1323
  2. Salute DarkKnightOnline players. I am going to inform you about Warriors. Warrior :Close combat skirmisher , High HP, High defense, Attack, Defense, Passion/berserking Berserker Hero (karus), Blade Master.(el Morad) Tank character of the game, you are going to need Warriors when you want to kill most powerful monsters. Warrior Skills in general ; Basic skills:[Sprint [level1] Increases the movement speed for a brief time.[Slash [level3] Deals 120% damage to the target.[Crash [level5] Multiplies attack with 1.5[Defense [level7] Increases defense for a short time.[Piercing [level9] Multiplies attack with 2. Defense Skills : [Hinder [level5] Increases defense by 20%[Resist [level10] Increases resists by 30.[Arrest [level15] Increases defense by 30%[Endure [level20] Increases resists by 60.[Binding [level30] Provokes a monster by dealing 10 damage.[Bulwark [level35] Increases defense by 40%[Immunity [level40] Increases resists by 90.[Provoke [level45] Provokes all the monsters in a large area.[Decent [level50] Teleports to a party member.[Evading [level55] Increases defense by 50%.[Sacrifice [level60] Sacrifices himself to save an ally.[Iron skill [level70] Increases defense by 30% Halved if you are not equipping a shield. Achieved with a quest. [Wool of iron [level75] for 10 seconds you gain 3 x your defense. but your movement speed decreases. Achieved with a quest. [Iron body [level80] Increases your total defense by 40% when you have equipped a shield. Otherwise you gain 20% bonus defense. Achieved with a quest. Attack skills: [Hash] [level0] Deals 30 damage while ignoring defense.[Hoodwink] [level5] Deals 150% damage.[Shear] [level10] Deals 50 damage while ignoring defense.[Pierce] [level15] Deals 100% damage without a failure.[Leg cutting] [level20] Decreases the targets movement speed.[Carving] [level25] Deals 200% damage to the target.[Sever] [level30] Deals 100 damage while ignoring defense.[Freak] [level35] Deals 150% damage without a failure.[Multiple shock] [level40] Deals 150% damage + 50 damage to the target.[Cleave] [level45] Deals 250% damage to the target.[Mangling] [level50] Deals 150% damage while ignoring defense.[Thrust] [level55] Deals 200% damage to the target without a failure.[Sword aura] [level57] Deals 200% damage + 150 damage to the target without a failure.[Sword dancing] [level60] Deals 250% damage +150 damage to the target without a failure.[Howling sword] [level70] Deals 300% damage +200 damage to the target without a failure. Achieved with a quest. [Bleeding] [level75] without a chance of failure, deals 200% damage + 100 damage to the target. Additionally deals 1000 damage in 20 seconds. ( 50 damage per second ) Achieved with a quest. [Hell blade] [level80] without a chance of failure, deals 300% damage to the target and 300 damage in addition. Achieved with a quest. Skill Scroll 62 Level : You can obtain this scroll from Warrior Master ]Skaki located in Luferson and EMC. Karus Coordinates: 381.1741 Human Coordinates: 1663.323 Item and materials: Harpy Quee [Harpy kind monsters and bosses , events ] Crude Sapphire [All monsters with a chance ] Noah [5.000.000 ] coins Activating 70 75 and 80 skills You can have this quest from Warrior Master ]Skaki located in Luferson and EMC. After you have the materials required , you can unlock your skills. Karus Coordinates: 381.1741 Human Coordinates: 1663.323 [Howling sword] [level70] 70 skill Item and Materials: Stamp Of Strength [obtainable with materials.] Nostrum Of Constitution [obtainable with materials.] Scream Scroll [obtainable with materials ] Activating 70 75 and 80 skills You can have this quest from Warrior Master ]Skaki located in Luferson and EMC. After you have the materials required , you can unlock your skills. Karus Coordinates: 381.1741 Human Coordinates: 1663.323 [Howling sword] [level70] 75 Skill item and materials : Magic Jewel Powder [obtainable with materials.] Nostrum Of Constitution [obtainable with materials.] Noah [10.000.000 ] Activating 70 75 and 80 skills You can have this quest from Warrior Master ]Skaki located in Luferson and EMC. After you have the materials required , you can unlock your skills. Karus Coordinates: 381.1741 Human Coordinates: 1663.323 [Howling sword] [level70] 80 Skill item and materials : Stamp Of Strength [obtainable with materials.] Magic Jewel Powder [obtainable with materials.] Noah [10.000.000 ] In addition here's some items and how to creete them : Stamp Of Strength Nostrum Of Constitution Quest: You can have this quest from Warrior Master ]Skaki located in Luferson and EMC. After you have the materials required , you can unlock your skills. Karus Coordinates: 381.1741 Human Coordinates: 1663.323
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