Event name : Border Defence War [Bdw]
Event schedule : Every day - 01:00 - 14:00 - 19:00
How would you join BDW ? ;
* In order to join this event , you need to be online at certain time this event occurs.
* When it's the time of BDW, you can simply click onto join via this pop-up visible in this screenshot. It pops-up when the time has come.
Details About BDW ;
* War is 8 vs 8 , and every player is EQUAL. There is no difference in terms of LvL or Items.
* War will be ended in 30 minutes. You will be joined into the war as a party of 8.
* When you killed an enemy , you will get 1 point for your nation.
* Nation that captures and takes " Altar of Manes " to their base will earn 80 points for their nation.
* If a character does not respawn or stays AFK for a certain time , they will be sent back to Moradon automatically.
Win Conditions ;
* 500 points nation is the winner!
* If none of nations have the 500 points after 30 minutes, more points nation will be winner of Border Defence War.
The Winning Team
Red Treasure Chest
8 Hours Special Emblem (100 HP +%15 exp + 2NP Bonus)
500 National Point
5M Experience Points
Event Coin
Green Soul
The Losing Team
3M Experience Points
Event Coin
If you wonder what Event Coin will do Click here.