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Araştırmada 5 sonuç bulundu

  1. DarkKO REDEMPTION Sunucumuzun 1v1 Asas Turnuvasının Kazananları Belirlenmiştir. Kazananlar ; 1. BOOOOEiNGg ----> 3000 TL 2. ALemSekiL -----------> 2500 TL 3. f1asco --------> 1750 TL 4. sonaykaraca --------> 1250 TL Katılan Bütün Oyuncularımıza Teşekkür Ederiz.
  2. Merhaba Değerli Dostlarımız. Darkkoya Mükemmel Bir Şekilde Başlayarak Bu Seruvene Katılıyoruz Clan : Elysion ElyADO ElyRulinq ElyLastShot ElyXantares ElyHellNova ElyAF ElyMuck Devamı Eklenecek Nick Kararsızlıgı Vardir
  3. Arkadaşlar öncelikle herkese merhabalar. TheSopranoS clanı olarak her zaman olduğu gibi tekrar XACS DARKKO'dayız. Bizlere sonsuz güvenli oyun sunan XACS yönetimine teşekkür ederiz. [RAGNAROK] serverinda şimdiden herkese başarılar. Keyifli bir server olmasını TheSopranoS clanı olarak diliyoruz. Yıllardır aynı arkadaş grubuyla keyif almak için oynadığımız bir takımız. Elbette kendimizce bir iddiamız bulunmaktadır. Clan Lideri: 1- ReywaL (Mamy) 2- Black 3- Whiskered 4- CheLioS 5-RockyBalboa 6- QuareX 7- CobrayN 8- VICTORY
  4. Merhaba Değerli Oyuncularımız ; DARKKO Ekibi Olarak Colony Zone & Emc & Lüfer Bütün Zone'lerde Tekrarlanabilir Görevler Hakkında Bilgi Sahibi Olmak İsteyen Oyuncularımız İçin Bilgilendirme Hazırladık. Her Haritada Farklı Bir Çok Çeşit Görevler Mevcutdur. Leveliniz Yükseldikçe Bu Görevlerde Artış Göstermektedir. '' U '' Tuşuna Basıp Açılan Pencereden QUEST Seçeneğine Tıklayıp Hemen Altında Bulunan Questlerin Üstlerine Tıklayarak Verdiği Explere , Hediyelere Bakabilirsiniz. NOT : Hangi Haritadaki Görevlere Bakmak İstiyorsanız O Haritada Olmanız Gerekmektedir. Yaratık İsmi Level Aralığı Harita Kesilecek Yaratık Adedi Vereceği Ödül Ödül Adedi Tekrarlanabilir Party&Solo Worm Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 2.500 X Party Worm Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Solo Silk Bundle 1/20 Moradon 20 Exp 2.500 X Party Silk Bundle 1/20 Moradon 20 Exp 3.250 X Solo Kecoon Warrior Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 2.500 X Party Gavolt Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 2.500 X Party Kecoon Captain Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Party Bulture Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 4.500 X Solo Giant Bulcan Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 5.625 X Solo Werewolf Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 6.250 X Solo Silan Bone 10/30 Moradon 3 Exp 6.250 X Solo Fang Of Wolfman 10/30 Moradon 5 Exp 6.875 X Party Gavolt Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 10.000 X Party Gloomwing Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 16.250 X Party Kecoon Warrior 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Solo Gavolt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Solo Kecoon Captain 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 5.000 X Solo Bulture 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 6.250 X Solo Giant Bulcan 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 7.500 X Solo Werewolf Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 7.500 X Solo Silan Bone 10/30 Moradon 3 Exp 7.500 X Solo Fang Of Wolfman 10/30 Moradon 5 Exp 8.750 X Solo Gavolt Hunt 10/30 Moradon 20 Exp 17.500 X Solo Gloomwing Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 30.000 X Solo 10 Rabid Bandicoot 10 Snatcher 10 Small Bulcan 10/50 Moradon 30 2 Saat Genie 1 X Solo 15x Silan , 15x Werewolf , 15x Orc Watcher 1/60 Moradon 45 Exp Emblem 1 X Solo&Party Stegodon Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 15 Exp 15.000 X Party Spoiler Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Pincers Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 25.000 X Party Undying Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 35.000 X Party Skeleton Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 50.000 X Party Saber Tooth Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 175.000 X Party POOKA Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 200.000 X Party Orc Watcher Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 225.000 X Party Ape Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 250.000 X Party Lycan Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 7.500 X Party Loup -Garou Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 15.000 X Party Skeleton Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Party Smilodon Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Party Ash Knight Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.500.000 X Party Saber Tooth Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Death Knight Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Skeleton Champion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Undying Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Decayed Zombie Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Uruk Tron Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Uruk Hai Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Uruk Blade Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Troll Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Stone Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Apostle Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Tyon Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party LICH Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.250.000 X Party Skeleton Knight Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 120 Exp 1.500.000 ✓ Party Skeleton Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 50.000 X Party Haunga Warrior Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Hornet Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Ash Knight Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Haunga Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Pincers Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Ape hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Cardinal Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 X Party Cardinal Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Scolar Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Scolar Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Solo Baron Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.500.000 X Party Baron Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Laird Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Laird Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Solo Haunga Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 X Party Haunga Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 7.000.000 ✓ Solo Deruvish Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Stegedon Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 15 Exp 30.000 X Solo Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 40.000 X Solo Spoiler Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 40.000 X Solo Pincers Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 25.000 X Solo Undying Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 35.000 X Solo Skeleton Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 50.000 X Solo Saber Tooth Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 175.000 X Solo POOKA Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 200.000 X Solo Orc Watcher Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 225.000 X Solo Ape Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 250.000 X Solo Lycan Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 7.500 X Solo Loup-Garou Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 15.000 X Solo Skeleton Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Solo Smilodon Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Solo Ash Knight hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.250.000 X Solo Saber Tooth Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Death Knight Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Skeleton Champion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Undying Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Decayed Zombie Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Uruk Hai Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Solo Uruk Blade Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Solo Uruk Tron Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Solo Troll Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Stone Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Giant Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Apostle Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Raven Harpy Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Solo Tyon Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo LICH Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.225.000 X Solo Skeleton Knight Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 120 Exp 1.500.000 ✓ Solo Skeleton Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 50.000 X Solo Haunga Warrior Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Solo Hornet Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Solo Haunga Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Solo Ash Knight Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Solo Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Solo Ape Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Solo Harpy Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Pincers Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.500.000 ✓ Solo Spoiler Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Ape Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 250 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Apostle Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Deruvish Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Death Knight Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Dark Mare Hunt 60 Eslant 1500 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Dark Mare Hunt 60 Eslant 1000 Exp 8.000.000 X Solo Giant Golem Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli 150 AC Exp X Party Giant Golem Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Uruk Blade hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Uruk Blade Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 7.000.000 ✓ Solo Dragon Toot Skeleton Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 7.500.000 ✓ Party Dragon Toot Skeleton Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Titans Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Lesser Titans Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Lesser Titans Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Satiros Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli EXP Kağıdı - EXP X Party Lesser Satiros Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Lesser Satiros Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Demon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli Lion SC - EXP X Party Lesser Demon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Demon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Lesser Dark Stone Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli Weapon - Exp X Party Lesser Dark Stone Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Dark Stone Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Apostle Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli 150 AC Exp X Party Apostle Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 15.000.000 ✓ Party Apostle Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 25.000.000 ✓ Solo Deruvish Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli EXP Kağıdı - EXP X Party Troll Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 X Party Troll Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 15.000.000 X Solo Troll Berserker Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 150 AC Exp X Party Troll Berserker Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 25.000.000 X Party Troll Berserker Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 30.000.000 X Solo Troll Warrior Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 30.000.000 X Party Troll Warrior Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 40.000.000 X Solo Troll Captain Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 35.000.000 X Party Troll Captain Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 45.000.000 X Solo Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Crimson Wing Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 7.500.000 ✓ Party Falcon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Solo Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Solo Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Warrior Emblem X Party Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Rogue Emblem X Party Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Mage Emblem X Party Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Priest Emblem X Party Deruvish Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Lobo Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Lupus Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Lycaon Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Lesath Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Shaula Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Barkkira Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Orc Bandit Leader Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Apostle Hunt Colony Zone 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Hunt 55 Colony Zone 800 LowClass 1 ✓ Party Stone Golem Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 63 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Riote Hunt 62/65 Colony Zone 100 Random 1 ✓ Party Atross Hunt 62/65 Colony Zone 100 Random 1 ✓ Party Harpy Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Cardianal Hunt 65 Colony Zone 100 Bus 1 ✓ Solo Lamia Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 750.000 ✓ Party Lamiros Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 750.000 ✓ Party Player Hunt 60 Colony Zone 700 Random 1 ✓ Party Player Hunt 60 Colony Zone 350 Random 1 ✓ Solo Beast Hunt 30 Colony Zone 100 Bus 1 ✓ Solo Blood Seeker Hunt 30 Colony Zone 100 Bus 1 ✓ Solo Dark Mare 63 Colony Zone 650 Trina 1 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Exp 500.000 X Party Apostle Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Stone Golem 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Raven Harpy 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Warrior 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Giant Golem 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Harpy Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Lamia Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 500.000 X Solo Lamiros Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 500.000 X Solo Lamia Hunt 50 Colony Zone 50 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Lamiros Hunt 50 Colony Zone 50 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Deruvish Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Apostle Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Harpy hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Raven Harpy Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Troll Warrior Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 60 Colony Zone 500 Trina Trinas Piece ( Low Class) ✓ Solo Troll Warrior Hunt 60 Colony Zone 500 Trina Trinas Piece ( Middle Class) ✓ Solo Stone Golem 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party
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