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  • DARKKO Efsanesi 2 Yılın Ardından Bomba Gibi Geliyor!
  • Offical 4 Nisan Cuma 22:00!
Kendine özgü veritabanı ve geçmişten günümüze kırdığı rekorlarla adını altın harflerle yazdıran DARKKO, 4 Nisan’da geliyor!

innovation Improved Genie [Auto Attack] Party & Solo

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Greetings Knights!
DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience.

  • You need to obtain your Genie from Power Up Store. You can activate it via NPC  [peddler]hemes. 
    NPC Coordinates: 308 , 398 
  • image.png
  • After you activate your Genie, you can set your Genie settings from this tab shown below.
  • W7rl84.png
    image.png  Screenshot_13.png Genie Start    Screenshot_14.pngGenie Stop  Screenshot_15.png Genie Settings
     In addition , you can specify the mob you want to attack in this tab shown in red rectangle. Genie will only attack the mob you have selected.
    On the Genie Settings tab, you can specify your preferences. After you done with your settings , you can start Genie for auto attacking.
    Genie won't be needing any other intervention.

    [ Attack ] Section:
    [attack Mode]
    [ On / Off ]  Choose the skills you want to attack with via Screenshot_6.png  [ Skill Register ] iand then turn the switch ON.

    [ Attack Range ] defines the range of attacking for your character. 

[ Recovery ] Section 
[ Recovery ]
Hp Recovery Screenshot_18.pngYou can define when to use your HP Potion preference with the HP % of your choice.
Mp RecoveryScreenshot_16.png You can define when to use your MP Potion preference with the HP % of your choice.


[ Support ] Section 
[ Support ] Party & Solo 
In this section , you can choose what scrolls  Screenshot_9.png, skills Screenshot_7.png  and buffs to support either yourself , or the whole party. If you want your party member to use these skills , you need to tick party box. 
If you are playing Priest Class, don't miss the Party Heal Section down below. It will heal you and your allies when they are low enough depending on the percentage of your choice.
Example : If you choose 80% for healing, your character will use healing skills to that member of your party when they got 80% of HP automatically.


[ Other ] Section
[ Set Other ]

  • 1 Stops attacking and teleport back to town when you are running out of HP Potions.
  • 2 Stops attacking and teleport back to town when you are running out of MP Potions.
  • 3 Teleport back to town when you run out of arrows.
  • 4 Teleport back to town when you got kicked out of the party of the party get disbanded.
  • 5 Teleport back to town when you have left the only member of the party.
  • 6 Teleport back to town when your weapon's durability drops down to %1.
  • 7 You can repair your items without going back to town but you needScreenshot_10.png (Magic Hammer) to repair automatically.


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