SilentOfChrome 0 Oluşturuldu: Nisan 8, 2020 İsmim / Soy ismim : Daniel Yaşım : 28 Aradığım Kriterler Şunlardır ; Yaş ... +25 Online Süres... 7/24 Class.. Priest x3 ve TP MAGE 2x DİSCORD ADRESİ : Facebook GRUP : Kendi Açıklamam ; Anyone who wants to join the team is taken. ACTING AND CHARACTERISTICS ARE EVALUATED IN THE LAKE PROGRESSING PROCESS. Since we are a rotten team, people who do not comply with the peaceful commander are exported from the team. CLAN SILENTKILL 1.- Leader 2.- SilentOfChrome 3.- SilentOfSyann 4.- SilentOfCloeBaby 5.- SilentOfPhysick 6.- SilentOfDalex 7.- SilentOfDaemon 8.- SilentOfZerok 9.- SilentOfPichicho 10.- SilentOfRollRoyce İletiyi paylaş Link to post Sitelerde Paylaş