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Collection Race Event

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Hello knight! 

We, DarkKnightOnline team will inform you about "Collection Race Event" to those are not familiar with this event.

Collection Race Event rewards may vary . ( like random items )

You'll see the notice about Collection Race Event before the event starts. This notice will include where the event will be and when does it start.

Collection Race Event pop-up is a map spesific event. This means ; for example, Ronark Land event won't pop-up to your screen when you are in other zones. But when you teleport back to zone that this event is active,  you will be able to see your pop-up once again. 

Collection Race Event can be happening in more than one zone at a time. Ronark Land , Eslant and Moradon can have this event at the same time. All of these events are separate from each other.


This chart will appear with the notice that inform you Collection Rate Evet begun on Top right of your screen.


Collection Race   You can make it appear and this appear this chart simply via clicking.
Event Gift Limit , Time Remaining Here you'll see how many players can join  , How many players are active at this event and You can see time for Collection Rate Event. 
Collect & Hunt This chart shows you what quest you should complete in order to get your reward.

Here , You will see the rewards you would get when you complete the conditions for winning.




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