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DARKKO 4. Ayında! +500.00 TL Ödül Teslim Edildi
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rehber Colony Zone Elmorad Castle Lüferson Castle Exp Görevleri Hakkında
bir konuya LEGIONNAIRE içerik ekledi : Oyun Rehberi
Merhaba Değerli Oyuncularımız ; DARKKO Ekibi Olarak Colony Zone & Emc & Lüfer Bütün Zone'lerde Tekrarlanabilir Görevler Hakkında Bilgi Sahibi Olmak İsteyen Oyuncularımız İçin Bilgilendirme Hazırladık. Her Haritada Farklı Bir Çok Çeşit Görevler Mevcutdur. Leveliniz Yükseldikçe Bu Görevlerde Artış Göstermektedir. '' U '' Tuşuna Basıp Açılan Pencereden QUEST Seçeneğine Tıklayıp Hemen Altında Bulunan Questlerin Üstlerine Tıklayarak Verdiği Explere , Hediyelere Bakabilirsiniz. NOT : Hangi Haritadaki Görevlere Bakmak İstiyorsanız O Haritada Olmanız Gerekmektedir. Yaratık İsmi Level Aralığı Harita Kesilecek Yaratık Adedi Vereceği Ödül Ödül Adedi Tekrarlanabilir Party&Solo Worm Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 2.500 X Party Worm Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Solo Silk Bundle 1/20 Moradon 20 Exp 2.500 X Party Silk Bundle 1/20 Moradon 20 Exp 3.250 X Solo Kecoon Warrior Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 2.500 X Party Gavolt Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 2.500 X Party Kecoon Captain Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Party Bulture Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 4.500 X Solo Giant Bulcan Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 5.625 X Solo Werewolf Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 6.250 X Solo Silan Bone 10/30 Moradon 3 Exp 6.250 X Solo Fang Of Wolfman 10/30 Moradon 5 Exp 6.875 X Party Gavolt Hunt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 10.000 X Party Gloomwing Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 16.250 X Party Kecoon Warrior 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Solo Gavolt 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 3.750 X Solo Kecoon Captain 1/20 Moradon 10 Exp 5.000 X Solo Bulture 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 6.250 X Solo Giant Bulcan 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 7.500 X Solo Werewolf Hunt 10/30 Moradon 10 Exp 7.500 X Solo Silan Bone 10/30 Moradon 3 Exp 7.500 X Solo Fang Of Wolfman 10/30 Moradon 5 Exp 8.750 X Solo Gavolt Hunt 10/30 Moradon 20 Exp 17.500 X Solo Gloomwing Hunt 10/30 Moradon 30 Exp 30.000 X Solo 10 Rabid Bandicoot 10 Snatcher 10 Small Bulcan 10/50 Moradon 30 2 Saat Genie 1 X Solo 15x Silan , 15x Werewolf , 15x Orc Watcher 1/60 Moradon 45 Exp Emblem 1 X Solo&Party Stegodon Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 15 Exp 15.000 X Party Spoiler Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Pincers Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 25.000 X Party Undying Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 35.000 X Party Skeleton Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 50.000 X Party Saber Tooth Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 175.000 X Party POOKA Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 200.000 X Party Orc Watcher Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 225.000 X Party Ape Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 250.000 X Party Lycan Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 7.500 X Party Loup -Garou Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 15.000 X Party Skeleton Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Party Smilodon Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Party Ash Knight Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.500.000 X Party Saber Tooth Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Death Knight Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Skeleton Champion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Undying Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Decayed Zombie Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Uruk Tron Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Uruk Hai Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Uruk Blade Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Party Troll Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Stone Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Apostle Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Party Tyon Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party LICH Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.250.000 X Party Skeleton Knight Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 120 Exp 1.500.000 ✓ Party Skeleton Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 50.000 X Party Haunga Warrior Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Hornet Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Ash Knight Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Haunga Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Party Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Pincers Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Ape hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Cardinal Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 X Party Cardinal Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Scolar Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Scolar Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Solo Baron Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.500.000 X Party Baron Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Laird Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Party Laird Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Solo Haunga Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 X Party Haunga Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 7.000.000 ✓ Solo Deruvish Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Stegedon Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 15 Exp 30.000 X Solo Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 40.000 X Solo Spoiler Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 40.000 X Solo Pincers Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 25.000 X Solo Undying Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 35.000 X Solo Skeleton Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 50.000 X Solo Saber Tooth Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 175.000 X Solo POOKA Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 200.000 X Solo Orc Watcher Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 225.000 X Solo Ape Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 250.000 X Solo Lycan Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 7.500 X Solo Loup-Garou Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 15.000 X Solo Skeleton Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Solo Smilodon Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 X Solo Ash Knight hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.250.000 X Solo Saber Tooth Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Death Knight Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Skeleton Champion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Undying Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Decayed Zombie Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo Uruk Hai Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Solo Uruk Blade Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Solo Uruk Tron Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.500.000 X Solo Troll Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Warrior Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Stone Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Giant Golem Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Apostle Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Raven Harpy Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 4.000.000 ✓ Solo Tyon Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.000.000 X Solo LICH Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.225.000 X Solo Skeleton Knight Hunt 50/69 Elmorad Luferson 120 Exp 1.500.000 ✓ Solo Skeleton Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 50.000 X Solo Haunga Warrior Hunt 30/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Solo Hornet Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Solo Haunga Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Solo Ash Knight Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 50 Exp 750.000 X Solo Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Solo Ape Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 1.250.000 ✓ Solo Harpy Hunt 55/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Solo Pincers Scorpion Hunt 45/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Exp 2.500.000 ✓ Solo Spoiler Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Scorpion Hunt 20/69 Elmorad Luferson 30 Exp 20.000 X Party Ape Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 250 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Apostle Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Deruvish Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Death Knight Hunt 40/69 Elmorad Luferson 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Dark Mare Hunt 60 Eslant 1500 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Dark Mare Hunt 60 Eslant 1000 Exp 8.000.000 X Solo Giant Golem Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli 150 AC Exp X Party Giant Golem Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Uruk Blade hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Uruk Blade Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 7.000.000 ✓ Solo Dragon Toot Skeleton Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 7.500.000 ✓ Party Dragon Toot Skeleton Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Titans Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Lesser Titans Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Lesser Titans Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Satiros Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli EXP Kağıdı - EXP X Party Lesser Satiros Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Lesser Satiros Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Demon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli Lion SC - EXP X Party Lesser Demon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Demon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Lesser Dark Stone Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli Weapon - Exp X Party Lesser Dark Stone Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Dark Stone Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Apostle Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli 150 AC Exp X Party Apostle Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 15.000.000 ✓ Party Apostle Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 25.000.000 ✓ Solo Deruvish Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Hediyeli EXP Kağıdı - EXP X Party Troll Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 12.000.000 X Party Troll Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 15.000.000 X Solo Troll Berserker Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 150 AC Exp X Party Troll Berserker Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 25.000.000 X Party Troll Berserker Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 30.000.000 X Solo Troll Warrior Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 30.000.000 X Party Troll Warrior Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 40.000.000 X Solo Troll Captain Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 35.000.000 X Party Troll Captain Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 45.000.000 X Solo Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Crimson Wing Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 7.500.000 ✓ Party Falcon Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Solo Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 8.000.000 ✓ Solo Lesser Harpy Hunt 60 Eslant 250 Exp 3.000.000 ✓ Solo Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Warrior Emblem X Party Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Rogue Emblem X Party Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Mage Emblem X Party Lamentation , AOF , Crimson Wing 60 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli Priest Emblem X Party Deruvish Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Solo Lobo Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Lupus Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Lycaon Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Lesath Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Shaula Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Barkkira Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Orc Bandit Leader Hunt 55 Colony Zone 3 Master 1 X Solo Apostle Hunt Colony Zone 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Hunt 55 Colony Zone 800 LowClass 1 ✓ Party Stone Golem Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Raven Harpy Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Troll Warrior Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 63 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Riote Hunt 62/65 Colony Zone 100 Random 1 ✓ Party Atross Hunt 62/65 Colony Zone 100 Random 1 ✓ Party Harpy Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 5.000.000 ✓ Party Cardianal Hunt 65 Colony Zone 100 Bus 1 ✓ Solo Lamia Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 750.000 ✓ Party Lamiros Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 750.000 ✓ Party Player Hunt 60 Colony Zone 700 Random 1 ✓ Party Player Hunt 60 Colony Zone 350 Random 1 ✓ Solo Beast Hunt 30 Colony Zone 100 Bus 1 ✓ Solo Blood Seeker Hunt 30 Colony Zone 100 Bus 1 ✓ Solo Dark Mare 63 Colony Zone 650 Trina 1 ✓ Party Deruvish Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Exp 500.000 X Party Apostle Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Stone Golem 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Raven Harpy 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Troll Warrior 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Giant Golem 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Harpy Hunt 55 Colony Zone 100 Exp 1.000.000 ✓ Solo Lamia Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 500.000 X Solo Lamiros Hunt 45 Colony Zone 50 Exp 500.000 X Solo Lamia Hunt 50 Colony Zone 50 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Lamiros Hunt 50 Colony Zone 50 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Deruvish Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Apostle Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Harpy hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Raven Harpy Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party Troll Warrior Hunt 50 Colony Zone 100 Exp 6.000.000 ✓ Party Giant Golem Hunt 60 Colony Zone 500 Trina Trinas Piece ( Low Class) ✓ Solo Troll Warrior Hunt 60 Colony Zone 500 Trina Trinas Piece ( Middle Class) ✓ Solo Stone Golem 50 Colony Zone 100 Hediyeli 100x Premium Pot HP - MP Exp X Party- 1 yanıt
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- zone
- (12 tane daha)