Francesco maria guazzo compendium maleficarum pdf
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This extraordinary document, considered one of the most important manuals ever compiled on witchcraft, offers striking insight into the early seventeenth-century mind and society's In his Compendium Maleficarum (), the Italian priest Francesco Guazzo stressed that of the witch’s bodily goods the Devil claimed the bloodThrough the pact, the Devil impressed a seal on the human body, which invisibly transfigured it, turning it into a criminal body that needed to be abused and destroyed Commencez à lire Compendium Maleficarum en ligne et accédez à une bibliothèque illimitée d'ouvrages académiques et non fictionnels sur Perlego Este extraordinario documento considerado uno de los más importantes manuales jamás recopilados sobre brujería, ofrece una sorprendente visión del pensamiento de principios del siglo XVII y de los intentos de la sociedad para combatir los males que veía manifestarse en la brujerí colección de escritos obra del monje Ambrosiano This extraordinary document, considered one of the most important manuals ever compiled on witchcraft, offers striking insight into the early seventeenth-century mind and society's attempts to cope with the evils it saw manifested in sorcery