Hello Dear xACS Lovers,
As always, we are constantly working to bring xACS Servers to the Next Level and to offer you a Better Quality, Comfortable Gaming Experience with New Features and Systemic Changes, where you can have fun without getting bored on our server.
On this subject, I will give you detailed information about our new feature, [New] Animated Capes , which we will use in our new server.
New capes have been added to our game with our new server!
NOTE: The new capes are only available in the Royal and Castellan Cape Family.
When you choose Royal and Castellan Type Capes, New Capes Will Welcome You on Pages 3 and 4.
You can see examples from the images below.
Bu Pelerinlerin Görünüşleri Aşağıdaki Gibidir.
The Appearances of These Capes Are As Below.
Patterns Marked in Red are Animated Capes / Patterns. You can see their looks and animations in the video below.
NOTE : Animated Patterns Are Available On All Royal And Castellan Capes.
You can enlarge the videos and view them as 2K 60 FPS.
NOTE: New Capes and Animated Patterns Can Be Purchased With KC.